Yes, I'm running Drobo 3.6.1 on Sequoia 15.1 using a Drobo 5D. I have two ~15TB volumes To accomplish this you need to enable disk access in Privacy and security from Settings. But the pop-ups and instructions I got on Drobo dashboard were outdated for what was wrong and how to make it work. (no surprise). You need to Enable System Extensions you need to do it from the Startup Security Utility. You get there by powering up from shutdown by holding the power button until utilities options come up. Navigate to the Startup Utility and select "enable kernel extensions" from the security policy button. There are likely a number of steps including rebooting system a couple times. But finally I got Drobo Dashboard working as before. You also need to enable disk access from Privacy/Security for Drobo Dashboard and I think a related Drobo utility. This was lots of trial and error on my part, and my instructions may have missed a step. But my message is YES, it will run, and stick with it knowing you can get there.