I'm running a Mac Mini & Drobo as a server for my security system, as well a Plex and cloud storage. I have a 1000va UPS connected via USB and it powers the mini, my security, and networking gear. I want the security and networking gear to run as long as possible. I feel a bit restricted with the energy saver preferences regarding the UPS. I like that the server can shut down when power has been off x minutes, so the security gear has priority. The piece I'm missing is for it to start back up after power is restored (not so easy). It seems because the computer is going through a normal shut down, it doesn't respect the "start up automatically after power failure" setting. Since I remotely control the mini to access the DVR from work, I never know if/when power has been restored. The darn thing won't come back up.
One option would be to disconnect the Drobo from the UPS, since the mini only draws ~15w idle, but I'm shooting for the moon here.
Any help or expertise would be appreciated. I tried a search, but I could only find articles on either UPS integration OR help deciding whether to use the Start up automatically function - not both.
One option would be to disconnect the Drobo from the UPS, since the mini only draws ~15w idle, but I'm shooting for the moon here.
Any help or expertise would be appreciated. I tried a search, but I could only find articles on either UPS integration OR help deciding whether to use the Start up automatically function - not both.