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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 16, 2008
I‘ve been updating phones yearly by using iCloud for backups.

I feel I’ve gained a lot of “bloat” so to say....with lots of extra apps, etc.

I’m tempted to set this newest phone up as new: that way I download apps as needed.

I don’t, however, want to lose my photos, text messages and notes.

If I sign up as a new phone, then log into iOS: will I achieve what I want?

And is there a way to back up my old phone to my Mac, so I could potentially restore from the phone exactly as it is today (in case I need certain data from an old account?)


macrumors 65816
Dec 13, 2016
Central Missouri
When you choose to setup as new you will be asked if you want to do a backup first. To be safe do it.

Once you do setup as new, when you login with you will get your iCloud data back, pictures, contacts, keychain, etc. all the data you have backed up to iCloud.

You will have to reinstall apps. This is really a great way to clean out the clutter.
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