Having a tough time deciding between the two. Would like to hear what color people chose.
Or experiences people had with their Series 0 models. Thanks
Or experiences people had with their Series 0 models. Thanks
I prefer the silver. When I first looked at it I thought it was too pale but the more I looked at it the more I liked it. For me, and it's all down to personal choice, the grey is too dark (if it'd been iPhone 6/6S space grey I'd have chosen it).
I went for the aluminium in part because I dodn't want to spend more on a first generation product and in part because I thought the stainless steel was too corporate looking for my tastes. If I got another watch, I'd be tempted by the stainless steel to give myself the choice. The Series 2 stainless steel only comes with straps I either have already (white sport, Milsanese loop) or don't want (leather ones) so I'm not tempted.
I prefer the silver. When I first looked at it I thought it was too pale but the more I looked at it the more I liked it. For me, and it's all down to personal choice, the grey is too dark (if it'd been iPhone 6/6S space grey I'd have chosen it).
I went for the aluminium in part because I dodn't want to spend more on a first generation product and in part because I thought the stainless steel was too corporate looking for my tastes. If I got another watch, I'd be tempted by the stainless steel to give myself the choice. The Series 2 stainless steel only comes with straps I either have already (white sport, Milsanese loop) or don't want (leather ones) so I'm not tempted.
The lighter color aluminums (silver, gold, rose gold) just look cheaper to me as imitations of metals they mimic.
I had some of the same thoughts as you, OP, before buying. Ended up with the aluminium due to more bands (in my opinion) being more viableBought the saddle brown and the milanese loop (see pictures). I couldn't be happier!
I can recommend the website mixyourwatch.com for trying the different combinations of bands and cases of the Apple Watch
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