I have a macbook pro running os x 10.9.2 and I'm trying to have 2 accounts one my everyday account (standard) account and a hidden admin account and i want booth of them to have the same home folder so that whatever i do in one account i can login to the other account and its completely the same the only difference would be that one is admin and one is standard is that possible to do
i think i can do it by going to system preferences accounts and clicking on advanced options and giving booth accounts the same names and settings except for the user id the admin will have to have an id below 500 so i can hide it
but I'm not sure if that would work i don't want to make booth accounts inaccessible
everyday account
User ID: 501
Account name:myname
Login shell:/bin/bash
Home directory:/Users/myname
Aliases: my email
admin account
User ID: 401
Account name:myname
Login shell:/bin/bash
Home directory:/Users/myname
Aliases: my email
and should i keep every account on different UUID or give them the same id
i think i can do it by going to system preferences accounts and clicking on advanced options and giving booth accounts the same names and settings except for the user id the admin will have to have an id below 500 so i can hide it
but I'm not sure if that would work i don't want to make booth accounts inaccessible
everyday account
User ID: 501
Account name:myname
Login shell:/bin/bash
Home directory:/Users/myname
Aliases: my email
admin account
User ID: 401
Account name:myname
Login shell:/bin/bash
Home directory:/Users/myname
Aliases: my email
and should i keep every account on different UUID or give them the same id