This whole thread actually belongs either in the "Picture Gallery" section of MR or the iPhone section......
post photos, pictures, videos, etc...
Aside from that, a portrait is usually meant to be an image of a person, either closeup head-and-shoulders or in a particularly meaningful setting, which is usually referred to as an "environmental" portrait.
Unfortunately, Apple has rather muddled the meaning and stretched its boundaries significantly by referring to its one particular feature on iPhones as "portrait mode," meaning that the main subject is emphasized and the rest falls into soft blurry background (bokeh). I'm sure they intended for portrait mode to be primarily used when shooting images of a person, or maybe one's pet, but clearly users have attempted to go beyond that and thus distorted the meaning of the word portrait altogether.
When I shoot something like this (not with an iPhone but with my Sony camera gear):
It is not a "portrait." Yes, it is an image of a single rose and the background is intentionally blurry and meant to emphasize the primary subject, what we photographers usually refer to as "bokeh."
While I have shot occasional images with my iPhone 12 Pro in "portrait mode" just to see what would happen, and applaud Apple's attempts at bringing bokeh to the masses, I do think that their terminology has led to confusion and will continue to do so, which is unfortunate.