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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Apple is offering up to a five-month free trial of Apple Music to new users of the streaming service, with the promotion appearing in the company's Shazam music identification app.


Apple usually offers up to a three-month free trial of Apple Music to users who haven't subscribed to the service before, so this latest promotion represents one of its best deals yet.

To access the promotion, download the Shazam app on your iPhone or iPad, then identify a song that's playing in your environment by tapping the big Shazam icon in the app. After recognizing the song, you should see the option to play the track in Apple Music.

Tap the option and you should see the five-month free trial offer of Apple Music appear. Some users have also had success activating the promotion by opening Shazam's options screen and tapping the Apple Music banner.

According to Shazam's App Store page, the offer runs through January 17, 2021, and is available in the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and other countries.

If after activating the deal you're not convinced, you can cancel your Apple Music subscription without losing your five months of access to the service.
Shazam is a free download from the App Store [Direct Link].

Article Link: Shazam Promotion Offers Users Up to Five Free Months of Apple Music
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macrumors regular
Jul 31, 2020
Pretty sure the cancellation is immediate now and that advice is no longer valid?

Edit: nope, still good. Apple TV trials don’t continue, though.
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Mike MA

macrumors 68020
Sep 21, 2012
Mine says 4 months free. I’ve lived without Apple Music this long, not sure I even care to try it at this point.
Same for me up until now. But after a trial where I really investigated many of the music recommendations and made use of the catalog, especially for thing I actually liked but never listened to, I enjoyed and will stick with it.


macrumors 65816
Oct 8, 2016
Mine says 4 months free. I’ve lived without Apple Music this long, not sure I even care to try it at this point.
I have been offered trials many times with my purchase (by Apple, by Best Buy and others) and never used them.

I hate subscriptions in general but find music services like this useless for me, the music I want I already own, it is in my computer, my iPod and I sync it to my iPhone... if something good comes up I will get that one specific song I liked and sync it too. As simple as that.


macrumors regular
Apr 11, 2019
It’s offering 3 months for me. (Hungary, never subscribed to music before)


macrumors 68020
Apr 23, 2006
Beds, UK
Another trap, as with the Apple News+ offer?
I got caught with the Apple News+ offer... no free trial, just charged. A little salty about it.

However with this, I have had Apple Music before and I was offered 2 months free.

Not going to complain


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
I tried AM when it was introduced around five years ago with a free trial period. I let that expire without signing up feeling AM wasn't for me already owning a ton of music.

A year later I tried AM again and I was hooked with their expanded catalog. It's great for discovering new music I wouldn't have otherwise found. For example, hearing the linkage between Robert Johnson, Johnny Shines, and Big Walter Horton and their their influence on others is just one example.

At 27 cents per day for all you can eat music, especially using HomePods around the house, is a steal.


macrumors 603
Nov 28, 2013
It's worth signing up for this, as you can cancel immediately and the trial runs to the end.

Unlike Apple TV which ends the trial immediately, so you have to set a reminder to cancel just prior to the trial ending.


macrumors 601
Sep 27, 2005
Apple is trying to catch up to Spotify for subscriber count as you almost can't turn around without seeing a free Apple Music trial. I've got so many codes I cannot use, it's ridiculous.

People used to bash Spotify because of the number of "free" users on that platform. Now, Apple subscriber numbers (which we know Apple doesn't give details of paid vs free) will be under scrutiny.


macrumors 6502
Jun 5, 2013
meh I’ll still with Spotify. AM kept recommending a specific genre (you know the one they are pushing hard..) that I hate no matter how many times I told it not to play that type of music. I would always try to slope 2-3 of those songs into my playlist


macrumors newbie
Jan 27, 2020
Not working for me, I’m getting a code that is not compatible with the us account, cannot redeem.
(The error said code only redeemable in the European Union countries even tho I’m not actually in Europe)
Has anyone any idea?


macrumors G5
Oct 10, 2011
Apple is trying to catch up to Spotify for subscriber count as you almost can't turn around without seeing a free Apple Music trial. I've got so many codes I cannot use, it's ridiculous.

People used to bash Spotify because of the number of "free" users on that platform. Now, Apple subscriber numbers (which we know Apple doesn't give details of paid vs free) will be under scrutiny.

Under scrutiny by who? Is the public really concerned about codes, free trials, and subscriber numbers, whether from Spotify or Apple? Not something that's bothering me.

Life goes on.


macrumors 68000
Sep 22, 2014
Same for me up until now. But after a trial where I really investigated many of the music recommendations and made use of the catalog, especially for thing I actually liked but never listened to, I enjoyed and will stick with it.

I tried AM when it was introduced around five years ago with a free trial period. I let that expire without signing up feeling AM wasn't for me already owning a ton of music.

A year later I tried AM again and I was hooked with their expanded catalog. It's great for discovering new music I wouldn't have otherwise found. For example, hearing the linkage between Robert Johnson, Johnny Shines, and Big Walter Horton and their their influence on others is just one example.

At 27 cents per day for all you can eat music, especially using HomePods around the house, is a steal.
(Emphasis by me)
Yes! Fridays have become an even more of favorite day besides being the start of the weekend: it’s the day the New Music Mix Playlist gets updated and there’s usually at least two or three artists with music I kinda dig but probably wouldn’t have found otherwise and that keeps me occupied down a rabbit hole until next Friday. For those that happens to work, I think it’s one of the best things.

I still have a bunch of old files, albums, CDs ripped over many many years... the time wasted on that I wish I could have it back. Most of those were matched on AM anyways... for me long gone are the days of hustling and sending music to each specific device. Add a song to any playlist and it appears on your Mac, AppleTVs, iPad, iPhone, etc effortlessly.
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