Currently there exists
But . . . there is one issue. These articles are not really Mac or iOS rumours. And people reading the Mac and iOS blogs have to skip past these Sponsored articles to get to the rumours they care about. But I have a possible solution for this.
To create another blog and call it Sponsored Blog or something similar. I only chose this name so it could be defined in this topic. It's name can be anything, that doesn't matter. I think having this new blog area has many good points to it.
I cant think of any to be honest apart from the time needed to make this change happen and this change needing the staff here to actually agree to it before it'll happen. But if anyone can think of any cons to this, feel free to share them here.
This is my idea, to make these kind of Sponsored articles feel more welcome in these forums. I understand why they exist. And I'm glad they do. I just feel with a few small changes as to how these kind of blog articles are categorised in these forums, the members here will be more accepting of them. And these kind of articles will be much easier to access and search in their own blog area. And will make the other two Blogs easier to search too.
Thank you for your time.
- Mac Blog
- iOS blog
But . . . there is one issue. These articles are not really Mac or iOS rumours. And people reading the Mac and iOS blogs have to skip past these Sponsored articles to get to the rumours they care about. But I have a possible solution for this.
To create another blog and call it Sponsored Blog or something similar. I only chose this name so it could be defined in this topic. It's name can be anything, that doesn't matter. I think having this new blog area has many good points to it.
- The Sponsored articles can still be on the front page and people will easily know if a blog article is Mac or iOS or Sponsored.
- People who want to visit the Mac or iOS blog area will not see any Sponsored articles there. Less non rumour clutter there.
- The people who want quick access to product and app reviews, competitions advertising and other such things can easily find it in the Sponsored Blog area.
- Correctly categorising all the blog articles is always a good thing and this idea attempts to improve this.
- This in no way diminishes the ways in which these Sponsored blog articles can be shown on the front page.
- This removes the "is this an article or advertising" comments and questions clogging up the forums as people will know right away if they are reading a Mac or iOS or Sponsored Blog article.
- Very easy to categorise the articles into the 3 blog areas. Even now most people can tell which Mac and iOS blogs should really be in the Sponsored Blog area.
I cant think of any to be honest apart from the time needed to make this change happen and this change needing the staff here to actually agree to it before it'll happen. But if anyone can think of any cons to this, feel free to share them here.
This is my idea, to make these kind of Sponsored articles feel more welcome in these forums. I understand why they exist. And I'm glad they do. I just feel with a few small changes as to how these kind of blog articles are categorised in these forums, the members here will be more accepting of them. And these kind of articles will be much easier to access and search in their own blog area. And will make the other two Blogs easier to search too.
Thank you for your time.
- Product review articles
- App review articles
- Competition articles
- Product/app announcement articles (ie X company has just or will be soon releasing Y product/app)
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