When I bought my 12" MacBook way back in 2017, I future-proofed it by getting 16 GB. I found that in real world usage, 8 GB was enough >95% of the time. The only time it was really getting tight was when I was on the road editing presentations and other documents simultaneously with dual screens (via Sidecar with my iPad Pro as the second screen), although part of that was due to a memory leak in Microsoft PowerPoint. I estimated that 12 GB was the sweet spot for me for those occasions. So, it was good I had 16 GB, which not only gave me the 12 GB I needed, but also gave me a bit of breathing room for increased memory usage as time went on and macOS got more memory hungry. Truthfully, I suspect even 8 GB would have been relatively OK even during those work sessions, albeit with the occasional beachball. I say that because those sessions were rare, as most of the time the bulk of my work was already done at home on my 24 GB iMac.
However, now many years later, my MacBook usage habits have completely changed. Now I usually work from home (where I have that 24 GB iMac), and when I travel, I am not using my MacBook for stuff like that anymore. With my current laptop habits, 8 GB is more than enough, even though I'm now running Monterey which is more memory hungry than the macOS 10.12 Sierra it shipped with. So, strangely enough, I went from occasionally needing 10-12 GB in 2017/2018 to only needing 8 GB in 2022.