Unless you can state a bonafide usage case where a tablet would be helpful I suggest you forget about it, particularly because you apparently owned one at one time and weren't able to come up with a scenario to maintain ownership.
In that vein, I think akash.nu is correct. If you need to ask the question, you likely do not need an iPad.
No one has to own every single Apple product. If something doesn't work for your usage case, there's little sense in owning it.
There's a reason I don't own a riding lawn mower. I live in a condo complex and my HOA due payment covers my portion of the groundskeeping maintenance costs. A landscape company comes out and mows the lawn.
Now if cash is burning a hole in your wallet, by all means go buy an iPad. Like many others I'm an indirect AAPL shareholder, the extra revenue will be great for all of us.