I have connected to my mac, one big TV that I use for most things and I can control with blutooth devices around the room. Under the TV, a smaller LED display for when I need to sit closer for better control.
Benq PD3200U 32"
I got the Benq a few years ago, and felt it gave me what I needed for photo editing. Very good colors. It is precalibrated and automatically installs a custom color profile. I was happy with that and a regular 50" TV just above it.
Then, last year I picked up the LG OLED second hand to replace the 50", for less than $600usd, and it's simply fantastic. I think mostly due to the pitch dark blacks, but it is great in every aspect. The blacks makes it leave the Benq in the dust, almost. I haven't tried calibration devices/software on it, so far it's been lots of manual calibration. I've made the two screens look very similar, and feel I can edit photos on the Benq and LG with equal confidence.
Good luck.