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macrumors member
Original poster
May 16, 2007
Hi all,

I have just recently got a 2021 14 MBPro with 32GBram/ m1max and 1tb hard drive.

My previous mchine is a 2018 MB Pro, 8GB ram, 500GB SSD and now Apple care expired (it expired last August just after apple care extensions started but I didnt know about them back then)

I'm in the process of clearing it down and copying data off it but just wanted people's thoughts - is there value in keeping it ?. At least right now my gut says sell the thing before it becomes a liability as it's now out of warranty and screen replacements / logic board replacements would cost a fortune.

One point of note is I started up Paraells to decativate my copy of SDL Trados and boy did those fans whir....I'm half tempted to get a cheap 13inch Air as a backup machine than keep this thing and it be in warranty...

Thhoughts ?

Hi all,

I have just recently got a 2021 14 MBPro with 32GBram/ m1max and 1tb hard drive.

My previous mchine is a 2018 MB Pro, 8GB ram, 500GB SSD and now Apple care expired (it expired last August just after apple care extensions started but I didnt know about them back then)

I'm in the process of clearing it down and copying data off it but just wanted people's thoughts - is there value in keeping it ?. At least right now my gut says sell the thing before it becomes a liability as it's now out of warranty and screen replacements / logic board replacements would cost a fortune.

One point of note is I started up Paraells to decativate my copy of SDL Trados and boy did those fans whir....I'm half tempted to get a cheap 13inch Air as a backup machine than keep this thing and it be in warranty...

Thhoughts ?

You should see if you can still trade it in. I had the same MBP as you (13") and Apple gave me $600 trade in toward the purchase of the new MBP, even though I didn't trade it in until about 10 days after I bought the new one. So, it also reduced the taxes I paid on the new one as well. Sweet deal!
2018 model with butterfly keyboard --> The replacement program will end this year, sell now

Aside from that, I suspect that unless you absolutely need an Intel machine you will see little use for the old Mac. Personally, I haven't felt the need to boot my 2018 15" even once since I upgraded to the M1 Max (I will likely pass it down to my father rather than sell it as his computer is aging).
The machine had a top cover replacement if memory serves me correctly as well as a logic board replaced in 2019. I had sound/video issues and they replaced the top case at the same time IIRC.

Whilst I don't want / need a machine as powerful as the m1 max I do want a "if **** happens" backup machine but well choking on Parallels + no warranty I think I need to get this one sold sooner rather than later.

I'm contemplating a cheap M1 refurbished Air as my backup machine.
I had a top case replacement as well, the problem with that generation of MBPs is that the keyboard design flaws were never fully solved so there's a high chance the issue will surface again at some point.

I think a cheap M1 Air would be a solid backup machine, it will also perform better than the 2018 MBP on a lot of tasks.
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I've made the switch to M1 and haven't looked back. My brother sold his Apple intel machines once M1's nuances and kinks were worked out.

I've noticed a flood of used Apple intel machines in my market for sale. People (uninformed/non-technical) are still buying them no problem, no questions asked, at pretty decent prices right now. I would suggest selling it while the value is still *relatively* high.

I sold my 2017 MBP 15" January 2021 shortly after M1 was released and the overall sentiment/reviews were established.

Good luck.
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Another vote to drop the old MBP and spring for an M1 MBA as your backup. As others said, sell while the market is still seeking them out. I'm trying to get my daughter to do the same with her 2017 MBP.
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LOL I live in Japan not sure it would be worth people's while for the shipping cost required.
LOL I live in Japan not sure it would be worth people's while for the shipping cost required.
It *COULD* be "relatively" cheap/cost efficient if they know someone in the US miliatary. USPS ships flat-rate to military bases around the world if im not mistaken.
If you need Windows for something then it could be good to have the intel machine as a backup.
I’ve mainly used my M1 MBP for the past year, but I still have a 2017 15” MBP as a backup and for Windows stuff. The bigger screen (compared to my 13” M1 MBP)is nice too.

If you just want a backup then the M1 Air would be good especially if you can get a good deal on one.

The prices on 13” intel macs have dropped quite a bit, but you could still sell your intel mbp on craigslist or mercari. I’ve sold stuff on yahoo auctions JP, too. Or take it to a local shop, I’ve sold stuff to Janpara and Goodwill (PC Koubou) before.
There's quite a few of us in JP but yeah, probably best to just put it on Craigslist Tokyo lol

If you need Windows for something then it could be good to have the intel machine as a backup.
I’ve mainly used my M1 MBP for the past year, but I still have a 2017 15” MBP as a backup and for Windows stuff. The bigger screen (compared to my 13” M1 MBP)is nice too.

If you just want a backup then the M1 Air would be good especially if you can get a good deal on one.

The prices on 13” intel macs have dropped quite a bit, but you could still sell your intel mbp on craigslist or mercari. I’ve sold stuff on yahoo auctions JP, too. Or take it to a local shop, I’ve sold stuff to Janpara and Goodwill (PC Koubou) before.

Woah thought this forum was heavily Europe / America based.

Didn't realised there were fellow people in JP.

I'm probably going to go down either the Apple or the Janpara route I think. Don't want the hassle of someone making a claim / wanting a refund.

As far as Windoze goes I've got Parallels setup and "seems " to be running Windows 11? Been so busy with other stuff not really had time to play. I've also got a cheapo nasty windows laptop - Teclast F3.

I'm probably going to get this one sold and wait till the next 10% cashback konbini promo - now Apple gift cards can be used for hardware it's an absolute steal.

I did a 14man (140,000) yen order and got 10% back in Suica payments from the 7/11 promo that ran + the 9,000 yen from Apple in the Hatsu uri promi so got the better part of 24,000 yen back on a 140,000 yen order.
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