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macrumors 603
Original poster
May 31, 2015
Thinking about it but not sure yet. I am on 10.2 jailbreak. It was fun but I don't see myself using jailbreak features enough. Maybe I am wrong though. Convince me to stay jailbroken.


Sep 25, 2016
I'm not going to convince you to stay jailbroken. Instead, I'll say you need to undo it and go legit. When you jailbreak, you can customize more than otherwise you open yourself to many security concerns. It's not worth it.


Jul 18, 2013
I have a 6S+ that is my daily phone that is not jailbroken. It was up until 10.3 came out and then I upgraded and then went back to 10.2.1 a few days later, same with my 5S. I still have a 6S and a 6+ along with a Mini 2 jailbroken so I don't miss the JB so much on my 6S+ but there are times I wish it were still jailbroken.

I could live without a JB on any of my devices to be honest though because it is kind of nice to be able to reboot my 6S+ and not have to run an app to get my JB back like on my 6S.

My Mini and 6+ are untethered on 9.0.2 still.


macrumors 68000
Jun 22, 2011
Convince me to stay jailbroken.
C'mon please stay jailbroken! Pretty please?!? I'll give you a lollipop if you stay jailbroken! You know you wanna stay jailbroken! Be a good boy and stay jailbroken! Don't make me spank you. If you unjailbreak I'm gonna beat you like a red headed stepchild!

Hope that helped.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
I'm not going to convince you to stay jailbroken. Instead, I'll say you need to undo it and go legit. When you jailbreak, you can customize more than otherwise you open yourself to many security concerns. It's not worth it.

What a load of ...., you sound like you either work for apple or don't understand jailbreaking.


Sep 25, 2016
What a load of ...., you sound like you either work for apple or don't understand jailbreaking.

Nope - I've been involved in IT for many years and understand technology and what lays behind it. Jailbreaking "breaks" safeguards Apple built in to iOS and app store processes (because you no longer have to use the app store). If you don't understand that, well, good luck!

And yes, I know this is a jailbreaking forum @eyoungren. I just couldn't help myself. :cool:


macrumors Westmere
Apr 16, 2008
At the iPhone hacks section.
Nope - I've been involved in IT for many years and understand technology and what lays behind it. Jailbreaking "breaks" safeguards Apple built in to iOS and app store processes (because you no longer have to use the app store). If you don't understand that, well, good luck!

And yes, I know this is a jailbreaking forum @eyoungren. I just couldn't help myself. :cool:

Yeah, I believe all Jailbreakers for the past 9 years know what they're getting themselves in when JB their devices along with everything that comes with it.
Such risks even though are valid concerns are minimal, a bigger concern to most is stability and packages that are not updated to work with their device or iOS version that might cause the phone to run buggy.
Lots of trial and error when modifying and adding additional cydia hacks to enhance usability and the many additional features and options that come when breaking free from the walled garden of Eden :)


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Nope - I've been involved in IT for many years and understand technology and what lays behind it. Jailbreaking "breaks" safeguards Apple built in to iOS and app store processes (because you no longer have to use the app store). If you don't understand that, well, good luck!

And yes, I know this is a jailbreaking forum @eyoungren. I just couldn't help myself. :cool:
I think the danger comes in when you start using pirate and/or shady repos and installing stuff you didn't pay for.

A lot of people equate jailbreaking with piracy. The fact that those who engage in it are vocal about the misfortune they create for themselves tends to reinforce that belief. Rather than taking responsibility for their actions they blame everything else.

They get what they deserve.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
But also I'm trying to not brake (Brick) my phone.
In order to brick your phone while jailbreaking you will need to do everything wrong at absolutely the wrong time and in the wrong way. And even then the odds are against you.

This isn't like it used to be when you needed a tech degree, arcane equipment and 90 zillion steps. You're more likely to smash your phone from dropping it then you are to brick it.

Just saying.


May 3, 2011
Thinking about it but not sure yet. I am on 10.2 jailbreak. It was fun but I don't see myself using jailbreak features enough. Maybe I am wrong though. Convince me to stay jailbroken.

Why do we have to convince you of anything?

If you aren't doing anything extra on your phone, then go back to stock. Sheesh.

And as I told you on the related thread...if you have the Apple Watch, all the more reason to run stock iOS.

I'll say this...volume mixer 2 alone is probably enough to sway me to jailbreak. And it's far from the only tweak I use daily.
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macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
I'm not going to convince you to stay jailbroken. Instead, I'll say you need to undo it and go legit. When you jailbreak, you can customize more than otherwise you open yourself to many security concerns. It's not worth it.
Being jailbroken doesn't open you up to security concerns…
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May 3, 2011
Oh, well, no it doesn't @goobot. Not that I'm not saying only jailbroken phones can get in to trouble, it's just a lot more likely. It's like you don't understand what jailbreaking is.

And from a jailbreaking site "Don’t jailbreak it if you’re looking for a secure phone."

Actually, if anyone is's you.

Your posts in this thread are generalizations at best.

I refrained from saying that earlier, but this last post from you and I couldn't keep silent any longer.

And where you say you are in IT for many years and blah blah blah...that was downright funny.

When that pops up in conversations, more often than means that you don't know what you're talking about.
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macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
Oh, well, no it doesn't @goobot. Not that I'm not saying only jailbroken phones can get in to trouble, it's just a lot more likely. It's like you don't understand what jailbreaking is.

And from a jailbreaking site "Don’t jailbreak it if you’re looking for a secure phone."
Default Cydia repositories don't carry malware. If you go out of your way to add a problem source then who's fault is that? Being generically jailbroken has 0 effect on an user and just using default respitories is a non-hazard. It seems you don't know what jailbreaking is because being in the state of jailbroken is no more or less secure than not.


Sep 25, 2016
Whatever................believe what you want. I learned a long time ago that's what most people do anyway. There's plenty of proof published about the risks of jailbreaking. People can google it and come to their own conclusions including the OP asking you all if he should return to a regular OS.

If you have the capability to comprehend the code used to jailbreak, you'd have the capability to comprehend the risks people undertake to jailbreak. Funny....."break' is even in the term.


May 3, 2011
Whatever................believe what you want. I learned a long time ago that's what most people do anyway. There's plenty of proof published about the risks of jailbreaking. People can google it and come to their own conclusions including the OP asking you all if he should return to a regular OS.

If you have the capability to comprehend the code used to jailbreak, you'd have the capability to comprehend the risks people undertake to jailbreak. Funny....."break' is even in the term.

You are correct when you say there are risks when you jail-break.

Leave it at that.


macrumors 65816
Dec 4, 2011
Actually, if anyone is's you.

When that pops up in conversations, more often than means that you don't know what you're talking about.

It is obvious he doesn't know what he's talking about. Poor chap probably comes to this part of the forum to get some attention in his life. It is a good laugh though so hopefully he'll keep it up:D


macrumors 65816
Jul 3, 2015
Being jailbroken is the same as being sitting in front of a computer security wise. You just have to be cautious of what you install on your device, that's all. If you stay on default and well known repos I don't think you risk too much.

And for the OP, I don't have to convince you but I will just give you one advice : think twice before updating because you don't know if or when a new opportunity to jb will come soon or at a later date. Plus with this Ib version if you really want to be stock, just reboot your device and stay there for as long as you want while preserving your jailbreak. There is no real gap or advantage to upgrade from iOS 10.2 to 10.3.1. Its not like if you were on iOS 9 and you really want to try iOS 10. You really have nothing to win for what you will lose if you update at the moment.
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