- non retina screen bugs you
- keys feel wobbly and unstable
- aluminium around the screen looks ugly,
This means you are unhappy with all aspects of the computing experience, from working with it to aesthetics.
Get yourself a new MBA 2018. You will:
- love the Retina display
- keys will not wobble and be stable
- no aluminium around the screen will look far better.
You will also get:
- Touch ID experience
- better quality speakers
- modern hardware
- USB type C ports which are very versatile in my opinion
- colour options, if that is your cup of tea.
All in all, an excellent upgrade to the current MBA 2017.
However, you
might unfortunately also get:
- T2 chipset issues that never existed in T1
- keyboard issues that stand unresolved even in their third revision
- potential display flex cable issues
- poorer battery life if you will stay away from charging ports for long
- costlier battery replacement if you wish to keep your computer for long.
Understand the tradeoffs you will make with each machine and take a call, which are the ones you find worth making.