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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 13, 2016

need to see all my audio files from the musikfolder. as they are within subfolders of course, i need to get them all "extracted" in a list fiew... (anyway, but for completeness, in order to import them all at once into fluke-itunes, which doesnt work with folders, only with the files themselfs as it seems..)

i tried different search tricks like

is file+name is ""


is .flac


not that it didint work at all, but it only showed me 200 of 8000 files with no comprehensible preference to me..

any ideas? i need the files drag- and dropable, no textlist of them!

) thanks


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 13, 2016

thanks for that!

unfortunatly that only gives me (same as my former trieouts) only 400 of actually 8000 files , i dont know why..

BIG"?" ...
[doublepost=1460723604][/doublepost]if i try to find just one spezific song of those i asume to be not part of the 400 founded ones , finder doesnt find it either btw.

but its not about flac or mp3, both are part of the 400 founded..

i dont get it, )
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