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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 15, 2014
my damn iPad mini is keep bugging me to update to 10.2. Normally I wouldn't mind and was actually looking forward to updates. But this constant nagging and forcing me is irritating a hell out of me. Anyway to get away of it on iPad? Someone posted a trick that worked on an iPhone to install some sort of Apple TV beta tester registry etc. it took care of iPhone nagging but the damn iPad still forced me to update. Hate it! Apple became a dirty ugly business like all other lex Luther corps
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macrumors 6502
Nov 8, 2014
Left Coast
I gotta side with Quarksbar this time. I too wish I could turn that to ignore. I find that if I don't open the tools, the update stays hidden. But if I go to updates, and decide to update later, it constantly keeps trying to get me to update. So yes, iOS devices do try to force one to update.
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Jul 12, 2016
While I get my tin foil hat on, why not just ignore the update. Let me rephrase: nobody forces you to upgrade anything.

And still you are not forced to perform the upgrade.

You mentioned that twice now. Yes, we
Know the updates are not forced. And the updates go beyond being ignored for the record.

OP, updates can be disabled through iCloud temporarily. However, they will resurface eventually.
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macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
It's always better to stay up to date. That's why Apple nags you. Is there any particular reason you don't want to update?

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
No I'm sorry but it is NOT always better. My wife's older iPad was basically ruined by updating to a version that slowed it down to being useless for the most part.

It really depends on what you value most. For me security is the utmost requirement.
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Jul 12, 2016
No I'm sorry but it is NOT always better. My wife's older iPad was basically ruined by updating to a version that slowed it down to being useless for the most part.

True. Updating isn't necessarily relevant immediately and some the latest OS updates have stifled others iPhones. I tend to wait until a few versions have been revamped.


macrumors G5
Apr 24, 2016
It really depends on what you value most. For me security is the utmost requirement.

That's true, every user uses the device different, has a bit different needs of course. Thankfully we have options.

Mobile devices have come a long way, and so have their processors over the years. I think in the future we will see less situations where a CPU isn't powerful enough to run a new OS version. It will probably come down to what devices is a manufacturer willing to support.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
Enough with the bickering, a number of posts were removed as they were derailing the thread.
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macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2017
It's always better to stay up to date. That's why Apple nags you. Is there any particular reason you don't want to update?

Yes see my post I was having no problem syncing with iTunes now whole playlists don't get synced, parts of playlists don't get synced large chunks of playlists are often greyed out. Then as if to add to the mess Apple upgrade iTunes by removing functions that I found very helpful, play counts (now restored) and play resets. Removing functions is Apple's way of improving the software, I thought they were meant to enhance the software with an upgrade.

macrumors G4
May 26, 2016
Yes see my post I was having no problem syncing with iTunes now whole playlists don't get synced, parts of playlists don't get synced large chunks of playlists are often greyed out. Then as if to add to the mess Apple upgrade iTunes by removing functions that I found very helpful, play counts (now restored) and play resets. Removing functions is Apple's way of improving the software, I thought they were meant to enhance the software with an upgrade.

For whatever reason Apple removed the function, it's still a favourable approach for them to get everyone to update to the latest version because that means they'll not need to support older versions of the software because loads of people are still on it. This is one of the reasons why Android is so messy & a nightmare for developers.

As for your syncing issues, are you able to specifically look into it on google or take to an Apple Store to see if they knew any tricks? I'm not a huge iTunes library buff with loads of playlists, otherwise I'd help. Things generally just always workout with me without any issues whatsoever.


macrumors newbie
Apr 14, 2017
For whatever reason Apple removed the function, it's still a favourable approach for them to get everyone to update to the latest version because that means they'll not need to support older versions of the software because loads of people are still on it. This is one of the reasons why Android is so messy & a nightmare for developers.

As for your syncing issues, are you able to specifically look into it on google or take to an Apple Store to see if they knew any tricks? I'm not a huge iTunes library buff with loads of playlists, otherwise I'd help. Things generally just always workout with me without any issues whatsoever.

I have been trawling the forums and I am amazed that this is such a common issue. Needless to say numerous solutions have been put forward many of which I have tried and some of them do indeed give a part fix. However I still have numerous tracks that appear in my albums and I copy into a playlist but then doesn't sync to my iPad. Often when I copy say 10 piano concertos over to my iPad I will have say one or two movements from each piano concerto and not the three movements that are on iTunes for each piano concerto.
I used to have between 3 and 4 thousand tracks on my iPad 2 with say around a dozen missing now I have several hundred missing and this is the iPad Air 2 with loads of free disk space.
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