I have a recurring problem since Sierra. I thought the issue might have been fixed with High Sierra but nope. The Administration account showed the same corruption after a High Sierra upgrade from Sierra in April. The problem may show up after a week, weeks, months, etc.
1. Double click app not already open all Finder windows and file icons on desktop disappear then reappear. App not launched.
2. Click app in dock or file into app in dock. Screens go black. Dock animated off bottom of screen. Screens come back on. Dock animated upward. App not launched.
3. Double click picture or document file associated with App then #1.
4. Drop picture or document into running App on dock then #2.
5. The only way to runs app is to add them as a login item and restart. If any of these apps are quit then this procedure must be repeated. Although some apps will run others are worthless as documents created by them can't be opened as per #3 & #4.
Attempts to fix the problem:
A . I have completely erased the HD and reinstalled the OS and all my apps multiple times. This takes several days! It would take much longer if I did not maintain an archive of all my application’s dmg files, passwords, etc. Problem goes away for awhile then reappears.
B. Reinstall Os using Internet Recovery. Does nothing - still corrupted.
C. Upgrade using Internet Recovery. Does nothing - still corrupted.
D. Created new Admin account. Problem goes away for a while then reappears.
E. Disk Utility - live and via Internet Recovery. Does nothing - still corrupted.
F. Checked for viruses via ClamX. Never have found any.
G. Check system and apps with EtreCheck. No problems.
H. Check HDs with SMART Utility. No problems.
I. Terminal commands to reset various setting.
J. Trashed finder and dock preferences. Trashed other apps preferences. Trashed all preferences in User / Library / Preferences.
K. OnyX will crash even if its added as a login item. Once you O.K. it to get the system information it crashes. OnyX will run before the account is corrupted but then it questionable if it fixes anything.
L. Used Get Info to reset permissions. All the apps and documents say I have permission before this but tried it.
M. Apple just had be download the Capture Data app. This app crashes. They had me create a new Admin account and run it on that; however, that makes little sense as it will not capture what is wrong with the corrupted user account.
Capture Data would likely run as a login item but it displays a dialog box that asks your permission to run as app downloaded form the internet. As soon as you say yes it crashes. I tried to temporary bypass this by using the Terminal to disable GateKeeper to allow all apps in which case the dialog box is not displayed but it still crashes upon start. Why on earth would Apple have you download a app that its own system flags as unapproved?
At least its better than the last Apple customer service call. It must have been close to closing time as after I gave him the information then total silence on their end.
6. The crash reports for Finder, Dock, or other Apps allow show the same reason:
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Signal: Illegal instruction: 4
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x4
Terminating Process: exc handler [0]
Application Specific Information:
*** __CFTypeCollectionRetain() called with NULL; likely a collection has been corrupted ***
7. Its frankly starting to feel a lot like a Dilbert strip whereas the company makes it money by giving away software that intentionally triples their user’s system in order to sell customers support calls and software that “repairs” the problem. In this case its an attempt to get the customer to take their Mac to a authorized Mac dealer so they can sell the customer a new Mac. Sorry, Apple, not going to drive my Mac 60 miles one way to have some fly by night low volume dealer do whos know what to my Mac and then try to sell me a new one. Sorry Apple, I don’t have a spare $20,000 to replace my software that will not run on your new Mac plus buy new peripherals and a new Mac to boot.
1. Double click app not already open all Finder windows and file icons on desktop disappear then reappear. App not launched.
2. Click app in dock or file into app in dock. Screens go black. Dock animated off bottom of screen. Screens come back on. Dock animated upward. App not launched.
3. Double click picture or document file associated with App then #1.
4. Drop picture or document into running App on dock then #2.
5. The only way to runs app is to add them as a login item and restart. If any of these apps are quit then this procedure must be repeated. Although some apps will run others are worthless as documents created by them can't be opened as per #3 & #4.
Attempts to fix the problem:
A . I have completely erased the HD and reinstalled the OS and all my apps multiple times. This takes several days! It would take much longer if I did not maintain an archive of all my application’s dmg files, passwords, etc. Problem goes away for awhile then reappears.
B. Reinstall Os using Internet Recovery. Does nothing - still corrupted.
C. Upgrade using Internet Recovery. Does nothing - still corrupted.
D. Created new Admin account. Problem goes away for a while then reappears.
E. Disk Utility - live and via Internet Recovery. Does nothing - still corrupted.
F. Checked for viruses via ClamX. Never have found any.
G. Check system and apps with EtreCheck. No problems.
H. Check HDs with SMART Utility. No problems.
I. Terminal commands to reset various setting.
J. Trashed finder and dock preferences. Trashed other apps preferences. Trashed all preferences in User / Library / Preferences.
K. OnyX will crash even if its added as a login item. Once you O.K. it to get the system information it crashes. OnyX will run before the account is corrupted but then it questionable if it fixes anything.
L. Used Get Info to reset permissions. All the apps and documents say I have permission before this but tried it.
M. Apple just had be download the Capture Data app. This app crashes. They had me create a new Admin account and run it on that; however, that makes little sense as it will not capture what is wrong with the corrupted user account.
Capture Data would likely run as a login item but it displays a dialog box that asks your permission to run as app downloaded form the internet. As soon as you say yes it crashes. I tried to temporary bypass this by using the Terminal to disable GateKeeper to allow all apps in which case the dialog box is not displayed but it still crashes upon start. Why on earth would Apple have you download a app that its own system flags as unapproved?
At least its better than the last Apple customer service call. It must have been close to closing time as after I gave him the information then total silence on their end.
6. The crash reports for Finder, Dock, or other Apps allow show the same reason:
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000000
Termination Signal: Illegal instruction: 4
Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 0x4
Terminating Process: exc handler [0]
Application Specific Information:
*** __CFTypeCollectionRetain() called with NULL; likely a collection has been corrupted ***
7. Its frankly starting to feel a lot like a Dilbert strip whereas the company makes it money by giving away software that intentionally triples their user’s system in order to sell customers support calls and software that “repairs” the problem. In this case its an attempt to get the customer to take their Mac to a authorized Mac dealer so they can sell the customer a new Mac. Sorry, Apple, not going to drive my Mac 60 miles one way to have some fly by night low volume dealer do whos know what to my Mac and then try to sell me a new one. Sorry Apple, I don’t have a spare $20,000 to replace my software that will not run on your new Mac plus buy new peripherals and a new Mac to boot.