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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 12, 2014
Hi, I'm reluctantly considering "upgrading" my 2013 i7 MBAir to Sierra from Mavericks, to take advantage of supposed increased battery life as well as security, etc. However I really prefer the Mavericks appearance and UI, which looks like how an Apple product should look IMO, which can't be said for everything from Yosemite onward. I basically just don't like my OS screen looking like something from Fisher Price or a South Park cartoon.

I understand it's possible to upgrade the icons to something more aesthetically Jobs-Forstall-Apple, but is it also possible to change the simplified stoplight buttons back to lickable buttons? To change the amateurish light-blue folders to a greyish/darker blue? To change the system font, etc.?

I tried searching but was not successful in getting answers on my own. Thanks in advance for pointing me to any threads within MRumors or to external sites!
Some of this things can be done with mySIMBL.
For old folder style i don't remember if there is a plugin for mySIMBL or u needed total finder but it should be possible.

The only thing i don't know is font. It is probably the only thing I have't change after i bought my iMac last week.
Some of this things can be done with mySIMBL.
For old folder style i don't remember if there is a plugin for mySIMBL or u needed total finder but it should be possible.

The only thing i don't know is font. It is probably the only thing I have't change after i bought my iMac last week.

Thanks, would you mind posting some screenshots of the things you changed? I'm just getting my feet wet here on learning how to change the look of Sierra before I bite the bullet and actually "upgrade" to it from Mavericks.
Couple of things I changed, Folders using LiteIcon and various Dock icons.
Not much yet, sort of a work in progress.

Screen Shot 2017-07-27 at 6.27.50 PM.png
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Couple of things I changed, Folders using LiteIcon and various Dock icons.
Not much yet, sort of a work in progress.

View attachment 710478

Thank you! This is promising. Knowing I can change the folders away from a Fisher Price look towards what adults would use is great.

Hoping for any way to bring back the lickable stoplight buttons??
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