I think they needed one of these:Anyone watch Silo yet? If so, what did you think about it?
I didn't see anything mentioned in the original post about this being a spoiler free thread.Please useCode:[ISPOILER][/ISPOILER]
I agree but if binge viewing were offered, I'd be up all night & useless for work the next day.It's brilliant, but the weekly releases are pure torture. This would be perfect for binge watching.
For me it's too action packed. They are in there for over a century. This would've slowed down any activity by mind-numbing repetition. There should be way longer shots of no activity at all. Not even sitting and crying. This silo is buzzing like a beehive. Something is happening all the damn time.Soapy, depressing and rather boring.
I was wondering for the elevators too. Maybe an issue with energy ? Or maybe they do have elevators but these are reserved for another cast ?Dito
24/7rush hour, Central for 100 years.These busy bees are running up and down 60 floors;no elevator attached!?
I’m sure it’s not a Silo but a ,in secrecy build 19 century gigantic titanic and they all live in the ships tummy shoveling coal.