Can someone clear this up for me?'s my understanding the Sim-Free phones actually have different different
bands than the regular 11 phones....I picked up my 11 pro max 256gb Tmobile phone at Apple Store just now, but since I travel internationally a lot, I want to make sure I have the best phone for travelling and may return this one for a sim-free...2 guys at the Apple Store confirmed what I thought...but 2 other people seemed clueless about these hardware differences (including the manager)...
there seems to be no down side to having the phone with more bands to potentially give you better data connections abroad, right?..the frustrating thing is i'm on the iphone upgrade program and for some dumb reason I couldn't select that phone when placing my pre-order online.
bands than the regular 11 phones....I picked up my 11 pro max 256gb Tmobile phone at Apple Store just now, but since I travel internationally a lot, I want to make sure I have the best phone for travelling and may return this one for a sim-free...2 guys at the Apple Store confirmed what I thought...but 2 other people seemed clueless about these hardware differences (including the manager)...
there seems to be no down side to having the phone with more bands to potentially give you better data connections abroad, right?..the frustrating thing is i'm on the iphone upgrade program and for some dumb reason I couldn't select that phone when placing my pre-order online.