This isn't a deal breaker by any means, but am I the only one who is slightly annoyed that every other Apple device with a touch screen or track pad supports natural scrolling, but the Apple TV Siri remote doesn't?
Mac: Move cursor down, drag down. Move content down, drag down.
ATV: Move cursor down, drag down. Move content down, drag down.
What's the issue?
Good point, but it may be power saving move.In addition to the direction of scrolling, I find it jarring that moving elements isn't mapped to the movement of your finger. For example, when you pull down the top menu, it just comes down, even if you're still "holding it". If you're swiping through photos, swiping even slightly moves immediately to the next image. It should move like in iOS and OSX where the element sticks to your finger until you let it go. Where you can throw an element across the screen if you fling stronger or just smothly slide it with a softer finger gesture.
The way icons wiggle on the home screen mapped perfectly to your finger in real time shows that this is possible on AppleTV. They somehow ignored this important physics UI (that they invented) everywhere else in tvOS.
This aspect of tvOS feels really rough and unfinished. These are the kind of details that we expect Apple to pay attention to.
Good point, but it may be power saving move.
I'm guessing the remote interprets a series of finger movements on its surface and translates them into a single aTV command (eg., swipe left). It then fires that message to the aTV box in one go. Done.
For real-time control, letting aTV know precisely where your finger is on the surface at any given time, the remote would have to fire repeated messages to the aTV box whenever your finger moved a millimeter.
More messages = more power = shorter battery life of the remote.
Nah, just a bunch of wild guesses.You're over analyzing it.
Personally, I found it quite alien when I played with an Apple TV for five minutes in the store, but maybe it's something you get used to?
Me too. I switched to a track pad when I switch from Windows to the Mac. They have a option for the Track Pad for "Scroll direction natural". I ask for the same option on the Apple TV. I think the Apple TV should work the same as the iPad and the Trackpad. Or at least have the same option.For what it's worth, I already sent a feature request to Apple.
I disagree. On a Mac if you enable natural scrolling the content moves in the direction you drag your finger. The new ATV is the oppositeTechnically, the way it is set up currently is natural.
I disagree. On a Mac if you enable natural scrolling the content moves in the direction you drag your finger. The new ATV is the opposite
I disagree. On a Mac if you enable natural scrolling the content moves in the direction you drag your finger. The new ATV is the opposite
I agree with the tap v physical push wholeheartedly. After all, if they really wanted to mimic trackpads, that's what these do.I agree it is pretty inconsistent. It really messes with my mind in the multi-tasking screen. I also feel like the touch pad should be able to just be tapped vs a physical push.
I dont think that would work well in practice. I already have issues picking up the remote and accidentally scrolling. I don't want to compound the problem with accidental clicks. Then again, I have always hated tap to click on trackpads. Maybe just make the click a shorter swing and require less pressure.I agree with the tap v physical push wholeheartedly. After all, if they really wanted to mimic trackpads, that's what these do.