For anyone who has had the Smart Keyboard Case, how do you like it as a case? I won't be typing all the time but I don't want to spend money on a Smart Cover and the Keyboard Case. Do you find the keyboard part awkward when using it just a case?
I've been using it since last Thursday, sure it has a little extra thickness where the actual keyboard is, but you don't really notice it carrying it around. You will quickly get used to the unfolding if you want to use it as a stand without the keyboard, but will take a few times to get used to that. I have never liked keyboard cases due to the bulk, but I really like this one. First keyboard case to last this long for me.'t suppose you have any pictures showing how it's folded when dyeing used as just a stand.
where did you obtain a smart keyboard?
I got mine yesterday. I am not sure how some of the reviewers think this thing is a waste of money. It's so easy to type on. I can type almost as fast as I can on mechanical keyboard. The keys have a little clicky sound that I really enjoy. I am using Team Viewer to connect to my desktop at home. Who needs a Surface with being able to do something like this?! haha.
I agree, I like it a lot more then I thought it would, and a lot more then the reviews.