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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 18, 2008
New York City
Longshot request for help!
In my classroom run a smartboard connected to my Mac Mini (HDMI and USB-A for the touch controls), extended display, works fine, happy with my set up.

Until today! I upgraded to Sequoia on Tuesday. Everything was fine on Wednesday, but today (Thursday) the freakin' display is now about an inch high, so I have to guess where to touch, and handwriting is super hard! When I used the orient tool, I could see the problem: the grey orient screen with the touch targets is raised up, leaving an inch at the bottom.

Things I tried:
  • Turned everything off, unplugged, turned back on, plugged back in.
  • Made sure Smartboard software/drivers are up to date
  • Tried the "orient" page again and again
  • Checked (and tried changing) the setting on the display resolution
  • Tried mirroring display instead of extended
  • Tried switching which one is the "main" display
  • Emailed Smart tech support (haven't heard back)
Posting here because maybe other people are seeing weirdness with other (non-samartboard) displays, since upgrading? Or just some smart people here might have ideas for a fix?

Pics attached.


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Same issue here with Mac mini M4 running Sequoia connected to MX Smartboard; orientation is about 2cm out on the board and no amount of reorientation will fix, tried different cables etc. but no effect. Renders it unusable with board, the Macs are to replace failing windows PCs and I'd tested them before buying, complete disaster. This needs fixing quickly.
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I did find a workaround for myself. I apologize if it's already been discussed, again, I'm a newbie here. I log in to my SmartBoard's browser vs. using my "extended display" from my Mac and the pen is right on target. I log in to Google and work directly off my Smartboard vs. moving my google window from my mac to my Smartboard as a 2nd screen. It's a decent workaround for anyone that may need it.
I am having the same issues. The Board is fine and my cabling is fine. The issue is either with my Macbook M2 Pro or Sequoia 15.2
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