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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Snap made its Spectacles available across Europe today, almost seven months after the company debuted them in the U.S.

For anyone unfamiliar with Snapchat's first hardware product, the Spectacles are a one-size-fits-all pair of sunglasses that can record 10 seconds of video at a time and sync wirelessly with the mobile Snapchat app.


More than 55 million people use Snapchat daily in Europe for at least 30 minutes a day, according to Snap. It's unclear what sales number the company is targeting on the continent, given that the launch of the Spectacles in the U.S. didn't raise significant revenue, but today's rollout comes as part of a planned substantial investment in the product's marketing and distribution.

The camera-equipped sunglasses cost £130/150 euros and can be purchased from the product website or through "Snapbot" vending machines, which will appear on Friday in London, Paris, Barcelona, Berlin, and Venice. The vending machines dispense the Spectacles in either Black, Coral or Teal, and allow customers to try them on virtually using a built-in augmented reality display. A case and charging cable are included.

Article Link: Snapchat Spectacles Now Available to Purchase Across Europe
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Dec 30, 2015
Orlando, FL
So in the spirit of why Snapchat was created will these let you see through clothing or something like that? I still am dumbfounded that an app known for helping high schoolers world wide send sext messages has somehow become mainstream and shaken this image?? Never have and never will use such a pointless and once perverted waste of time app, no matter what repurposing they try and accomplish.
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macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2015
Cambridge UK
Wow! They are really expensive! I honestly thought these were going to be some super cheap Chinese near disposable thing.

No chance. Sorry Snapchat.


macrumors 68020
Feb 3, 2016
Anyone knows those have been fitted with optical glass ever before?
Yes they have, and they're expensive
Think it's the same company that did Google Glass


Would love to open these apart and disconnect the light from the motherboard


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2014
Despite how ridiculous these are, this concept is going away. People like to think that they're living in their own movie, and nothing is more interesting than anything that happens to be going on around them. Privacy-minded people are taking a huge hit with this.
I'm wondering if there is a way to block these kinds of things from working, similar to how some CCTV cameras can be defeated.

Glassed Silver

macrumors 68020
Mar 10, 2007
Kassel, Germany
Features aside I find these glasses to look incredibly tacky.

Maybe licensing out the technology to other glasses brands might make more sense in the long run, then again if any kind of glasses could pull off getting licensed out I'd think it's something that hosts Snapchat amongst others rather than limiting the smart part to ONE single app/service, even one single purpose of the app/service.

These might sell, but I doubt (and am preemptively thankful in good hope) that I will see more than a handful over here.

Glassed Silver:ios


macrumors 6502a
Jul 2, 2007
After the wave of the Google GlassHoles being punched in the face, here comes the second wave with the Snapchat Spectassholes asking for a beating.


macrumors 601
"More than 55 million people use Snapchat daily in Europe for at least 30 minutes a day, according to Snap."
This is most disturbing.

Actually, I find the price of these niche glasses to be just as a disturbing.

I find the design of the glasses to be even more disturbing.

I find the colour options far more disturbing.
Am I the only one disturbed at the prospect of an army of clowns potentially recording my each and every move, wherever I go in public? Aren't we subjected to enough involuntary videography already?
Point those glasses at me and I'll ripped them of you face pervert.

After the wave of the Google GlassHoles being punched in the face, here comes the second wave with the Snapchat Spectassholes asking for a beating.
Apparently I'm not, lol
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macrumors 6502a
Dec 21, 2015
If I see any of you wearing these in public, I will point and laugh! I don't care if I look like a puppy or squirrel to you. Those things are ridiculous!
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