So if I understand correctly, some sort of 3rd party screen cover glass cracked, for some unknown reason?
One might want to consider that the glass cover would necessarily have to be quite fragile because it is thin and sitting glued on top of something else. It's not certain the display glass would have been damaged by the impact that cracked the cover glass. Personally with my OG Watch which I bought 2 3/4 years ago, my display have only gotten a few, 2-3mm long super fine scratches, nearly side by side (so probably appeared all at the same time). I can't even tell they're there unless I go look for them. The casing itself looks completely undamaged to my aging eyes (except curiously, a little bit of galvanic corrosion of the aluminium around the side button and the etched text underneath the casing.)
Also, I don't really see the point in having a nice-looking gadget on my arm only to cover it up with all sorts of glass covers and rubber condoms and whatnot.
People have stopped bothering with the rubber condoms by now haven't they? lol
That was so silly btw...
I get why buying a casing for a phone makes sense, because a phone is a loose object which you might drop and damage (I've done it myself), but a watch is secured to your body, so unless you're flailing your arms windmill-style constantly all the time it seems a somewhat ridiculous concern... But, you know, to each their own and stuff. I don't judge. (Much, anyway.)
Im glad I used protection also, otherwise, I might have a dozen kids.
Well, some people like kids and enjoy being a parent. Maybe you're missing out on something here...?