I've owned just about every macbook pro since around 2008, but the 2016 I'm not buying. Just curious if anyone else has noticed (I guess how could you not) the amount of threads related to problems with things that Apple doesn't traditionally have issues with? I'm also wondering why they didn't just name it the Macbook Hip or something...would make for cool coffee shop commercials with the touchbar
I remember Apple having some ghosting issues with the first rMBP, but that seems minor in comparison to all of the issues I'm reading about in these forums and on other sites with the 2016, from nearly DOA systems (Gizmodo), trackpads not working reliably, dGPU issues, blurry dGPU rendering, battery life issues.....crazy.
I'm also curious why so many people won't call a duck a duck, and why so many people try to justify the lack of ports as "Apple is moving the industry forward". That's just BS, Windows systems have been using USB C/Thunderbolt before the release of the 2016, Apple didn't "innovate" by using the port. Maybe if they had made the iphone 7 plug in with usbc that would have been something....but oh no....that would have made too much sense.
Hopefully the insanity will stop, or they won't sell as many as they hoped. The only way it will change is if people vote more with their wallets....like always.
I'm probably still just bitter that they took my favorite 17" laptop away a long time ago....but oh well, I need to just move on.
I remember Apple having some ghosting issues with the first rMBP, but that seems minor in comparison to all of the issues I'm reading about in these forums and on other sites with the 2016, from nearly DOA systems (Gizmodo), trackpads not working reliably, dGPU issues, blurry dGPU rendering, battery life issues.....crazy.
I'm also curious why so many people won't call a duck a duck, and why so many people try to justify the lack of ports as "Apple is moving the industry forward". That's just BS, Windows systems have been using USB C/Thunderbolt before the release of the 2016, Apple didn't "innovate" by using the port. Maybe if they had made the iphone 7 plug in with usbc that would have been something....but oh no....that would have made too much sense.
Hopefully the insanity will stop, or they won't sell as many as they hoped. The only way it will change is if people vote more with their wallets....like always.
I'm probably still just bitter that they took my favorite 17" laptop away a long time ago....but oh well, I need to just move on.