It seems there was at least one thread of a dude who works at Tesla who said someone came in with an iPhone 6 (or plus). So perhaps.
It seems there was at least one thread of a dude who works at Tesla who said someone came in with an iPhone 6 (or plus). So perhaps.
I wonder why they care so much. Any iPhone delivered early is less load on their activation and iCloud servers on launch day.
Just like people who install the GM early. They're actually HELPING APPLE OUT by doing that.
Apple execs have been walking around with the 6 or 6+ since the keynote.
Believe it or not, I was in the airport on Sunday and saw a very cute late 20 something girl with a small kid and I swear she had a IP6+ in her back pocket. She was wearing these super short shorts and the back of the phone was like 50% visible. I snapped a picture of her assss, I mean phone.
Believe it or not, I was in the airport on Sunday and saw a very cute late 20 something girl with a small kid and I swear she had a IP6+ in her back pocket. She was wearing these super short shorts and the back of the phone was like 50% visible. I snapped a picture of her assss, I mean phone.