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Original poster
May 31, 2011
Regarding Network Framework and MacOS Big Sur... there's no Low Data Mode on MacOS yet.

Because Apple closed sourced the Network Framework (ie they took it out of Swift standard library) there's not going to be an AppStore approved way to add a "Low Data Mode" feature... And there isn't a way to contribute the feature to Swift standard library since Network overlays were removed.

Maybe it means Apple will add a "Low Data Mode" feature if they release a cellular enabled Mac. For now all networks to my knowledge are not capable of Low Data Mode (isConstrained) on Mac.

If you connect your Mac to an iPhone Wifi Hotspot with Low Data Mode enabled, isConstrained will not pass through as true (will be false). But isExpensive will pass through as true but that's irrespective of Low Data Mode enabled.

Probably no Mac developers using Network Framework are looking at isConstrained. Maybe some use isExpensive. What do when iOS apps are in the Mac AppStore? We don't have a "Low Data Mode" feature for Mac yet.

I submitted suggestion feedback to Apple.
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Senor Cuete

macrumors 6502
Nov 9, 2011
Looking at the on-line developer documentation in XCode I see:

Network framework

function nw_path_get_status

function bool nw_path_is_constrained (nw_path_t path);

Checks whether the path uses an interface in Low Data Mode


Original poster
May 31, 2011
Looking at the on-line developer documentation in XCode I see:

Network framework

function nw_path_get_status

function bool nw_path_is_constrained (nw_path_t path);

Checks whether the path uses an interface in Low Data Mode

Yeah I’m aware you can check if it’s set... That’s not the issue. The issue is we don’t have low data mode setting on Mac OS. So even if you check for it you will always get false currently for constrained on Mac OS.
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