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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I guess I don't get your point. Making the argument that Android is any more popular in the US than it is because people use cheap burner phones for a few weeks is a strange one. That doesn't make the platform more popular, it just makes it more accessible to everyone.

And for the record, I'm not trying to fuel an iOS vs Android debate. Those should not exist in 2020. Both are great platforms that do the same things in different ways. I'm an Android user who understands why iOS is the more preferred platform in the US.
My point was when you have a platform that sells on $50 phones of course it's going to be more popular. As you said it makes it more accessible to everyone. As to Android vs iOS I say use what works for you and what you like.


macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I don't think iOS is the most popular platform in the USA but it is definitely the most when it comes to flagship phones. Android gets numbers by selling tons of prepaid burner phones. For $50 or less people buy one, keep it for a few weeks, then toss it. Either way unless you're under 15 popularity isn't a big factor in making the decision. No normal adult says I was going to buy iPhone but Billy from work says all the cool people have Android so that's what I'm getting. Get what you like.
Agree, I don't think iOS is the most popular or used platform in the US either. Not that it matters. Use what you like. I haven't had a iPhone for 10 - 11 years since the original. Once I used Android, I never went back.
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macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
You're right battery is a big issue. Barely lasts half a day with minimal use and I constantly have to have it on the charger to last a full day.

Aside from that apps such as the swype keyboard guve out total gibberish as auto complete and in having to constantly delete and retype. I always found the apple keyboard much better in this respect.

And occasionally have to reboot the phone as chrome just freezes

Typing enter key to start a new paragraph while typing this message makes the keyboard disappear. Happens on this and other forums.
I swear it wasn't like this before!!!
Yes I still like android and I'd buy another android phone like one plus 8 but android manufacturers obsession with curved screens, which imho add no value at all to the user experience is baffling, plus makes finding a screen protector a real pain / almost impossible.

Also, the price point of a flagship such as the s20 ultra makes the iPhone look cheap!!!
Samsungs do tend to be a little slower in a few years compared to Apple but that's Samsung. You can get a new battery and use G-Board over Swype. I never liked SwiftKey, it was horrible..... For me. Some probably loved it.

Anyways I have a mid grade Pixel 4a now and it's faster than my GS9 is now and the battery blows the GS9 away. The GS9 is 2.5 years old but I'd still have it if the screen wasn't cracked to hell. Kinda glad it is lol.
And agree, I don't like the curved screens either. My Pixel is flat, much better.
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macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
Agree, I don't think iOS is the most popular or used platform in the US either. Not that it matters. Use what you like. I haven't had a iPhone for 10 - 11 years since the original. Once I used Android, I never went back.
Exactly. It’s not like you’re going to impress someone else that means anything to you with a phone. The other way I would seriously consider android for my primary phone is if Google lost their control over it. That may happen with Huawei and other manufacturers producing non Google android phones. Of course that’s just my needs and wants and others might want to Google to be part of their phone


macrumors 604
Jul 5, 2009
Hmm, I haven't been using Apple stuff but apparently Tim Cook made things worse. This is a few years old but it hasn't gotten better. Cook is still in charge.

I like a lot of Rick's video's about music but that video is just a grumpy old man who doesn't like or know how to change. He's mad because he can't record a FaceTime call? Complains about it just not working? FaceTime is the epitome of easy video calling. He's pissed that Apple got rid of Firewire, then Thunderbolt 2, and is now using some weird connector (USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 -- yup, those crazy connections that nobody else uses ?).

Yup, iTunes is/was crap in 2017. He longs for the iTunes of 10 years prior? Come was and alway was crap. But since the early 2000s technology has advanced 1000 fold and he can't keep up. Look at the collection of dinosaurs behind him that we was still trying to use.

Apple has absolutely made some questionable or 'consumer-hostile' changes over the years but this temper tantrum is laughable. I'd love to see a revisit with him about how his technology is working for him now. Guess how many phones still have a headphone jack Rick?

And he's full of ****...look at some of his later videos and guess what types of computers he's using to mix his music? Take a look at this video from 6 months ago. :rolleyes:

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macrumors 603
Jul 12, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
I like a lot of Rick's video's about music but that video is just a grumpy old man who doesn't like or know how to change. He's mad because he can't record a FaceTime call? Complains about it just not working? FaceTime is the epitome of easy video calling. He's pissed that Apple got rid of Firewire, then Thunderbolt 2, and is now using some weird connector (USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 -- yup, those crazy connections that nobody else uses ?).

Yup, iTunes is/was crap in 2017. He longs for the iTunes of 10 years prior? Come was and alway was crap. But since the early 2000s technology has advanced 1000 fold and he can't keep up. Look at the collection of dinosaurs behind him that we was still trying to use.

Apple has absolutely made some questionable or 'consumer-hostile' changes over the years but this temper tantrum is laughable. I'd love to see a revisit with him about how his technology is working for him now. Guess how many phones still have a headphone jack Rick?

And he's full of ****...look at some of his later videos and guess what types of computers he's using to mix his music? Take a look at this video from 6 months ago. :rolleyes:

LOL, well i've never used Facetime so i cant relate to that. I hated iTunes when i did use an iPhone and one of the reasons i stopped using a iPhone....but not the only reason.
I dont know, Apples stuff isnt cheap so when they get rid of things, you have to buy another when it dont jive anymore with things. That doesnt sit well with people. In the the comments, many agree with him.

Anyways, i like his music stuff too, just happened to come across that one.

But i will ask for the frequent Apple junkies. IF Steve Jobs were alive today, would Apple be better than it is today?
Not sure he would of liked to make bigger phones but i guess he would have to, to compete. I know he didnt like the bigger phones though.
I dont know, Cook just dont seem as good as Jobs was. Eliminating th Charger for iPhone 12 imo isn't a good thing.....if they are still planning to do that. So if i buy a iPhone , id have to buy a charger because i dont have any laying around. I wouldnt be happy about that.

Oh and my phone has a headphone jack as do many others including Samsungs A series phones.
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macrumors 6502
Sep 20, 2013
That's cool. My experience is that 3 year old Samsungs aren't as nice as 3 year old iPhones. I still think Samsung makes the best Android phones based on what I'm looking for as a customer. Definitely hold off for another 5-6 weeks to grab the 2020 iPhones and I'm sure you'll be happy.

I tend to agree, I switched from iPhone to Android, I was gone for two years using a Note 4 and when I went back to iPhone 2 years later that note was on its last legs. I am on an IPhone X right now and could hold out another year if I want to with no issues at this point, the phone runs just like it did a year ago.
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macrumors 68030
Jan 30, 2008
Increasingly, looks like I'll be doing the same.

Been on Android for 6 years now. I love love LOVE my Pixel 4 camera... But I'm doing more and more content creation and I got my partner the Pixel 4, so at least there's one in the house.

It would just make my life a lot easier to be able to sync an iPhone with my MacBook Pro. And I also want an Apple Watch, my trusty Samsung Gear S3 is starting to die on me.

Will wait for the standard iPhone 12 announcement to see what real changes there are, if not too much will pick up an 11 Pro Max. Prices already dropping a lot.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 22, 2010
So @unclejamaal , what did you end up do?

Nothing yet. Just about content with my 3 year old Samsung S8+, partly cracked screen, awful battery life, but iit wont kill me to wait another two months and see what Apple have in store. I'm still open to both Android or iOS and am loathe to spend a huge amount of money on a phone, so it wont be the S20 Ultra or a high end 'Max' iPhone as £1000/$1000+ for a phone is just plain silly no matter how you try to justify it.


macrumors 603
Feb 10, 2019
I like a lot of Rick's video's about music but that video is just a grumpy old man who doesn't like or know how to change. He's mad because he can't record a FaceTime call? Complains about it just not working? FaceTime is the epitome of easy video calling. He's pissed that Apple got rid of Firewire, then Thunderbolt 2, and is now using some weird connector (USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 -- yup, those crazy connections that nobody else uses ?).

Yup, iTunes is/was crap in 2017. He longs for the iTunes of 10 years prior? Come was and alway was crap. But since the early 2000s technology has advanced 1000 fold and he can't keep up. Look at the collection of dinosaurs behind him that we was still trying to use.

Apple has absolutely made some questionable or 'consumer-hostile' changes over the years but this temper tantrum is laughable. I'd love to see a revisit with him about how his technology is working for him now. Guess how many phones still have a headphone jack Rick?

And he's full of ****...look at some of his later videos and guess what types of computers he's using to mix his music? Take a look at this video from 6 months ago. :rolleyes:

Everyone has the right to have their opinion but just because a YouTuber talks smack about a brand doesn't mean anything. My favorite is Louis Rossmann. The dude doesn't give a crap about Apple. He's just riding the I hate Apple train for money. The dude is a millionare now. Someone give me a million dollars and pick a brand because I'll tell you how much garbage that brand is LOL
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