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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 7, 2013
Sydney, Australia
Hi guys,

This is my first post on MacRumours, so if I've posted in the wrong area or my issue has been resolved somewhere else, I apologize in advance!

I've been experiencing this issue for a few weeks now :confused: My MacBook Pro is connected to my home wifi network and the internet is working, but every time I try to do a software update, it fails and says "Software Update can’t connect to the update server. Make sure you’re connected to the Internet, and then try again."

Then, when I run network diagnostics, everything is working fine, and as I said, I've had no issues with the internet and am posting from the network right now!

I suspect it's a software bug, but it's a catch-22 because I can't fix the issue until I do a software update.

I briefly spoke to someone in my local Apple store, and they said they had no idea what was wrong and that I should book an appointment with them to sort it out, but I thought I'd ask you guys first.

Thanks! :)
Most Apple software updates can be downloaded and installed outside of the built-in "utility." What exactly are you trying to update and for what version of OS X?
What you trying to update?
10.6.8 is the latest version of Snow Leopard.

Did you try to download the dmg manually instead of the software update?
Well, I discovered the issue when I was trying to update chrome, but I just like to update everything as it comes :)

Again, what Apple software are you trying to update? Chrome auto updates and would have nothing to do with the issue you seem to be experiencing.
What you trying to update?
10.6.8 is the latest version of Snow Leopard.

Did you try to download the dmg manually instead of the software update?

Just FYI, I'm running OS X Lion. I tried to update chrome by downloading the dmg manually from their website, but it didn't update for some reason :confused: I did everything as per usual, then when I opened it, nothing had changed and every time I log into outlook it keeps telling me I'm using an outdated version of chrome :S
Just FYI, I'm running OS X Lion. I tried to update chrome by downloading the dmg manually from their website, but it didn't update for some reason :confused: I did everything as per usual, then when I opened it, nothing had changed and every time I log into outlook it keeps telling me I'm using an outdated version of chrome :S

What ARE you using, 10.6.8 is NOT Lion.

Edit: Click Apple in the Menu, then About This Mac, what does it say?

Edit again: You are aware that you have to click the DMG, it mounts the DMG, then click the installer inside the mounted disk.
What OS (X) version are you on?

Mac OS X 10.6.8

Just FYI, I'm running OS X Lion
Now I'm thoroughly confused :confused:

Is the issue that you're on Snow Leopard and you're trying to update OSX or are you running Lion?

Aside from my confusion, have you tried creating a new admin userid and see if that resolves it, i.e., corrupted userid.

Second issue is that you may have to reinstall OSX if nothing is able to update. This isn't a bug, in that apple needs to address because people have been able to update OSX and apps. Of course this is a drastic option and you'll want to back up your data
Okay I am really confused. I'm definitely not on Mountain Lion, but my system profiler says I'm on OS X 10.6.8. Wut?

If the system profiler says 10.6.8, you're on Snow Leopard, what gave you the impression you were on 10.7 (Lion)?

Do you have the disks that came with your Mac?

Regardless if you cannot update any apps, there is a level of corruption with your mac, either the userid or the system as I stated
10.6.8 = Snow Leopard
10.7.x = Lion
10.8.x = Mountain Lion

Now that that's straight, let's get to the issue. As I understand it, you are trying to update Chrome? If so, Apple/the OS has very little if anything to do with it. Please describe exactly what your goal is, what steps you've taken to resolve the issue, and exactly what happens when you try. For example "I can't update Chrome" doesn't help vs "When I try to update Chrome, it appears to finish installing, however when I open Chrome it still says there is an update" would be a much more clear statement of the problem.
10.6.8 = Snow Leopard
10.7.x = Lion
10.8.x = Mountain Lion

Now that that's straight, let's get to the issue. As I understand it, you are trying to update Chrome? If so, Apple/the OS has very little if anything to do with it. Please describe exactly what your goal is, what steps you've taken to resolve the issue, and exactly what happens when you try. For example "I can't update Chrome" doesn't help vs "When I try to update Chrome, it appears to finish installing, however when I open Chrome it still says there is an update" would be a much more clear statement of the problem.

Why are you replying to a 3 year old post? It has probably been resolved or forgotten by now.

EDIT: If you look at Jerrremiiah's profile it states that he was last online when this thread was started - May 7 2013.
Why are you replying to a 3 year old post? It has probably been resolved or forgotten by now.

EDIT: If you look at Jerrremiiah's profile it states that he was last online when this thread was started - May 7 2013.

I don't post here a lot. Didn't think to look at the date or anything like that. I came across it an posted, that's all. Will check dates in the future.
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