I preordered and received a Sprint Iphone 6 on launch day.
After a week or so of thinking about it, I finally decided that I wanted to change providers, and in this time the Iphone was never opened from its factory seal or activated in any way. When I log into sprint it still recognizes my 4s under "my devices."
Figured I would sell the phone and make a little cash to pay for the full priced T-mobile phone i'd have to buy. Sprint phones don't sell for that much, but since I paid the subsidized price, I figure a WIN WIN. Buyer gets a price lower than retail, and I make a little scratch.
But the buyer just contacted me and apparently, when he tried activating the phone sprint told him that it was associated with another account (presumably mine) and that it would have to be "released" first. I figured since it was never activated that anyone could use it since it wasn't stolen or anything like that. I tried calling sprint but they were closed by the time the buyer contacted me....
In the meantime I figure I would ask here since there are quite a few knowledgeable people here.
Anyone know if this is as simple as me calling sprint and telling them to "release" it? Sprint has a reputation for being such a hard@$$ on things (ie: unlocking policy) that I'm hoping there isn't a lot of hassle and hoopla.
After a week or so of thinking about it, I finally decided that I wanted to change providers, and in this time the Iphone was never opened from its factory seal or activated in any way. When I log into sprint it still recognizes my 4s under "my devices."
Figured I would sell the phone and make a little cash to pay for the full priced T-mobile phone i'd have to buy. Sprint phones don't sell for that much, but since I paid the subsidized price, I figure a WIN WIN. Buyer gets a price lower than retail, and I make a little scratch.
But the buyer just contacted me and apparently, when he tried activating the phone sprint told him that it was associated with another account (presumably mine) and that it would have to be "released" first. I figured since it was never activated that anyone could use it since it wasn't stolen or anything like that. I tried calling sprint but they were closed by the time the buyer contacted me....
In the meantime I figure I would ask here since there are quite a few knowledgeable people here.
Anyone know if this is as simple as me calling sprint and telling them to "release" it? Sprint has a reputation for being such a hard@$$ on things (ie: unlocking policy) that I'm hoping there isn't a lot of hassle and hoopla.