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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2011
East Coast
I've got the following on my iPhone 5s, and one (or more) of them is causing a quicker than usual battery drain, even when nothing much is invoked. Any ideas which might be the culprit?


7-zip (POSIX) - 4.57-3p
Activator - 1.8.4~beta3
AllMail - 1.5-2
AppList - 1.5.7
APR (/usr/lib) - 1.3.3-2
APT 0.6 Transitional - 1:0-23
APT 0.7 (apt-key) -
APT 0.7 HTTPS Method -
APT 0.7 Strict -
APT 0.7 Strict (lib) -
ayecon (iOS 7) - 1.0-2
Base Structure - 1-4
Berkeley DB - 4.6.21-4p
BigBoss Icon Set - 1.0
Bourne-Again SHell - 4.0.17-13
bzip2 - 1.0.5-7
Core Utilities - 8.12-12p
Core Utilities (/bin) - 8.12-7p
cURL - 7.33.0-8
Cydia Installer - 1.1.9
Cydia Substrate - 0.9.5001
Cydia Translations -
Darwin Tools - 1-4
Debian Packager - 1.14.25-9
Debian Utilities - 3.3.3ubuntu1-1p
Diff Utilities - 2.8.1-6
diskdev-cmds - 421.7-4
Erica Utilities - 1:0.4.2
evasi0n 7.x Untether - 0.3
Everythingapplespro's Cydia Icon - 1.0
f.lux - 0.986
f.lux Flipswitch - 0.2-1
Find Utilities - 4.2.33-6
FlipControlCenter - 0.5
Flipswitch - 1.0.3~beta1
Gawk - 3.1.6-2p
GNU Privacy Guard - 1.4.8-4
gzip - 1.6-7
Home Button Flipswitch - 0.0.1-1
iCleaner Pro - 7.1.2~beta2
iFile - 2.0.1-1
iOS Firmware - 7.0.4
iPhone Firmware (/sbin) - 0-1
libhide - 2.3
LZMA Utils - 4.32.7-4
Mono Audio Flipswitch - 0.1-8
New Curses - 5.7-13
Nitrous - 2.3-2
NoSlowAnimations - 1.2.1
OpenSSL - 0.9.8y-10
PAM (Apple) - 32.1-3
PAM Modules - 36.1-4
pcre - 8.30-5p
pincrush - 0.9.2-1
PkgBackup - 5.4.5
PreferenceLoader - 2.2.2
Profile Directory - 0-2
Purge - 1.1
readline - 6.0-7
RocketBootstrap - 1.0.1
shell-cmds - 118-6
ShowCase -
Springtomize 3 - iOS 7 - 1.0.0-2
Substrate Safe Mode - 0.9.4000
system-cmds - 433.4-12
Tape Archive - 1.19-8
UIKit Tools - 1.1.8
unrar - 3.6.8-2p
unzip - 5.52-5p
Volume Amplifier - 1.10
WinterBoard - 0.9.3914
zip - 2.32-5p

Thanks if you can help. Obviously, some of these are simply apps and would be easy to remove. Others, not so easy.


macrumors member
Mar 27, 2011
I know that when I use to use winter board on my ipad when it was ios 5 it use to drain my battery. I'm not saying this is the cause, but I would just restore and/or add and test one at a time. I know it will suck, but it's the only way I know of to find the culprit.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2011
East Coast
Thanks. I was hoping to avoid uninstalling and reinstalling. I don't think Winterboard is the problem for me, though, since I installed it when it first became available for IOS 7 and iPhone 5s and there was no battery problem afterwards.

Still hopeful someone who sees my list will have clues for me. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 1, 2011
East Coast
Maybe, but the problem showed up long *after* (relatively speaking) I installed activator and Winterboard. I just dumped an app about which I was suspicious. We'll see what happens.


macrumors 604
Nov 5, 2009
Maybe, but the problem showed up long *after* (relatively speaking) I installed activator and Winterboard. I just dumped an app about which I was suspicious. We'll see what happens.

So why ask instead of doing what you thought first before creating a thread
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