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Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
I am trying to install Windows 7 via bootcamp. I am an MSDN subscriber so I just grabbed the Win7 ultimate 64bit with sp1 from the msdn site.

I am getting an error reporting that a required cd/dvd driver was not found. After researching this on the net, people are reporting it is because of a corrupt iso. I have checked the SHA1 checksums and they match. I have tried creating the USB stick 3 times now, no difference.

What else could be wrong?
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Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
OK, I got this fixed.

What I did was burn the ISO to a DVD from my windows laptop and booted from my usb superdrive. worked a treat!

The USB drive I was trying to boot from before had the bootcamp drivers, so I just ran setup.exe in the WindowsSupport directory and it installed all the Apple drivers fine.

Absolutely no idea why it was complaining when booting from USB though. Any insight would be nice!
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Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
Finally found out how to get this working via USB.

When Windows complains about a missing required CD/DVD driver, click cancel, then the X, so you're back at the "INSTALL NOW" screen.
At this stage, remove your USB stick, then plug it into another USB port.
Click Install Now again.
It will redetect the USB stick and install normally.

Hope this helps someone else!


macrumors newbie
Oct 13, 2011
Finally found out how to get this working via USB.

When Windows complains about a missing required CD/DVD driver, click cancel, then the X, so you're back at the "INSTALL NOW" screen.
At this stage, remove your USB stick, then plug it into another USB port.
Click Install Now again.
It will redetect the USB stick and install normally.

Hope this helps someone else!

Thanks for posting the solutions to your own problem. :) I'll remember this thread if I run into similar problems.


Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
Haha thanks. I know how frustrating it is to come across stuff and more often than not the OP replies going "ah its ok, figured it out." with no solution posted.

The problem was an annoying one (no obvious solution at the time) so I'm happy if it helps someone in months/years to come:)


Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
I just had to reinstall windows and yet again ran into this issue. This time I couldn't get windows to detect the USB drive after the language was chosen.

Turns out the type of USB memory stick matters too. An Integral USB 3.0 will get you to the installer screen but will not be detected again after that (and you get the error about missing cd DVD driver). Even changing ports won't even detect it (the LED doesn't even flash after insert).

Then I remembered I used a USB2 stick previously. This worked - after changing ports at the install screen. When swapping ports, the LED on this stick DID flash and was redetected.

So - try other sticks if you have this same issue !

My thinking is the USB3 driver isn't being loaded and so only older USB2 sticks will work that early in the install process.


macrumors 6502a
Oct 31, 2012
I have been trying for 4 hours to install on a brand new iMac 27" with 512GB SSD without success.
I have tried various .iso files, same problem. With and without Bluetooth mouse etc etc.
But, I just tried another USB3 memory which is much older and slower and that made it. I just passed the installation phase. I had to format the Boot camp partition manually for some reason.


Original poster
Jun 18, 2012
Good, this ties in with what I found too - the type of usb stick matters.


macrumors newbie
Oct 22, 2014
Finally found out how to get this working via USB.

When Windows complains about a missing required CD/DVD driver, click cancel, then the X, so you're back at the "INSTALL NOW" screen.
At this stage, remove your USB stick, then plug it into another USB port.
Click Install Now again.
It will redetect the USB stick and install normally.

Hope this helps someone else!

This oddly works, though I had to be patient and watch for the USB drive to light up, telling me that things did, in fact, work.

Also, the only driver I need to install for my MacPro 13" mid2012 non-retina was the Bluetooth driver in the $DriversForPE$ folder. Very odd.
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