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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 27, 2004
I've run into this issue on Big Sur and Monterey where certain Safari extensions (and all sideloaded ones) stop loading into Safari. Some work – seemingly only the ones that pop up a confirmation when you activate them:

CleanShot 2021-08-22 at 10.49.png

... but some of the ones installed from the App store (Momentum, Keyword Search) don't load at all. I've also noticed that extensions I've converted from Chrome to work in Safari also don't load.

I tried cleaning Safari completely (including removing all of the apps that had a companion extension, like 1Password) and after a bunch of turning stuff on and off all of the missing extensions came back, for a day. After I logged out and logged back in, however, all of those extensions again disappeared.

If I launch the extension's app (e.g. Momentum) clicking on the "Quit and Open Safari Extension Preferences" button does nothing.

Does anyone have any idea of the workaround or issue here?
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macrumors Penryn
Feb 20, 2009
Are these extensions "recent releases" or are some of them "older" (a few years' old)?

Older stuff might not work with the latest OS releases (Apple keeps changing Safari).

With Monterey, this is even more likely...


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 27, 2004
They're all recent in that they've been released in the past year or so. Momentum is brand new as it takes advantage of the new ability for extensions to take over the Start Page. Keyword Search was a safariextz but recently re-released as an app.

(Edited my initial post as I got something backwards. Hush and Tweaks for Reddit/Twitter are two App Store extensions that _do_ work.)

I tried removing all of the converted extensions I built locally in case there was a conflict with those, but it didn't work.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 27, 2004
Huh. I found a workaround. I was going through each extension manually and in the "Save for" one (which is an amazing service, btw) it links to a help doc that noted the problem as being a known issue in Safari.

The workaround is to install the Safari Technology Preview and launch it and then quit. When you go back to Safari all of the missing extensions should reappear.

Glad the developer had that help doc or I may have never figured it out.
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