Hi All-
I have a 2010 27" iMac.
Out of no where I started getting pixelations within the pages on all tabs & windows opened with webpages. The pixelations immediatly got very bizarre, all kind of squares, rectangles, horizontal & verticle lines, you name it you could find it, all jumbled up on all tabs. There was no noise associated with it.
I restarted, no help. I shut down, then restarted, no help. I left unplugged a few days then restarted- the Apple came up with download bar that progressed to just over half the bar then just a white screen appeared, empty & would remain indefinite without any odd noises. Never got anything to appear except white blank screen (with Apple & progress bar each time to 1/2 before dissappearing).
I then restarted with option shift R and with disk utillity did first aid to everything there at least 5 times each. Still same white screen appeared.I unplugged awhile redid first aid and restarted and got a screen saver pic with multiple black squares that dissappeared but left the screen saver pic alone with several pixelated horizontal lines evenly spaced (about 2' apart) running length of screen. I redid the same things mentioned here but have always only got the white screen since.
Any idea's? Has my HD crashed? What simple steps can I do next?
P.S. I do have a time machine backup available from a couple years back. I have nothing attached to iMac now (no peripherals). I have only used iMac last two years to check emails until I finished remodeling house I moved into.
Thanks for any suggestions-
I have a 2010 27" iMac.
Out of no where I started getting pixelations within the pages on all tabs & windows opened with webpages. The pixelations immediatly got very bizarre, all kind of squares, rectangles, horizontal & verticle lines, you name it you could find it, all jumbled up on all tabs. There was no noise associated with it.
I restarted, no help. I shut down, then restarted, no help. I left unplugged a few days then restarted- the Apple came up with download bar that progressed to just over half the bar then just a white screen appeared, empty & would remain indefinite without any odd noises. Never got anything to appear except white blank screen (with Apple & progress bar each time to 1/2 before dissappearing).
I then restarted with option shift R and with disk utillity did first aid to everything there at least 5 times each. Still same white screen appeared.I unplugged awhile redid first aid and restarted and got a screen saver pic with multiple black squares that dissappeared but left the screen saver pic alone with several pixelated horizontal lines evenly spaced (about 2' apart) running length of screen. I redid the same things mentioned here but have always only got the white screen since.
Any idea's? Has my HD crashed? What simple steps can I do next?
P.S. I do have a time machine backup available from a couple years back. I have nothing attached to iMac now (no peripherals). I have only used iMac last two years to check emails until I finished remodeling house I moved into.
Thanks for any suggestions-