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macrumors 601
Original poster
Oct 2, 2011

Thought it deserved its own thread.

Seeing as it's available on all the consoles, people may discuss the game in several different places and it's clearly going to be so awesome that it needs its own home!

I downloaded the game this morning before work and had a quick blast through the first level. To say I didn't want to go to work is an understatement - it's bad enough going without downloading this first thing!

The upgraded music was sublime - cannot wait to play more and see what stages they have used.
I haven't read any spoilers or watched any YouTube vids of gameplay so most of it should be a surprise!

I have a particular soft spot for Sonic as Sonic 1 was the first game I ever played as a wee 5 year old! I remember it well as my cousin (who is much older) was babysitting me and my sisters and brought round his MegaDrive for us to play. I kept dying over and over again at the start of Green Hill by running into the ladybird - despite being told to jump over it each time! :p
Funny how that's such vivid memory at that young age, but it set my love of video games (and Sonic) so this game is like an absolute trip down memory lane with added extras to enjoy all over again.

Post away and let us know what console you're playing on and how you find it!

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This looks great, I also remember playing Sonic 1 as a kid...I was around 12 years old though, I think. :D

I will pick this up at some point!
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Reactions: Aneres11
What is this game? I love sonic and planning to buy disc version but is it 4 games collection? Or is it one game?
Posted my thoughts in the Switch thread

Overall I really like it, it's a huge step up from 3+K with more memorable and less diluted levels. I hope it's the start of a new series.

Slightly gutted at how all the marketing and reviewers of this have forgotten about Sonic Advance. The first SA game was flawless in fitting in with the old Mega Drive series. The sequels less so, but the first is up there with Sonic 1 and 2.
What is this game? I love sonic and planning to buy disc version but is it 4 games collection? Or is it one game?
It's one game but takes old levels and songs, and remixes them. Which sounds lazy but it really feels welcoming.
Posted my thoughts in the Switch thread

Overall I really like it, it's a huge step up from 3+K with more memorable and less diluted levels. I hope it's the start of a new series.

Slightly gutted at how all the marketing and reviewers of this have forgotten about Sonic Advance. The first SA game was flawless in fitting in with the old Mega Drive series. The sequels less so, but the first is up there with Sonic 1 and 2.
It's one game but takes old levels and songs, and remixes them. Which sounds lazy but it really feels welcoming.
Ah okay! Gotta get it now.
Bought it for PS4 and I have adored this game. Everything about it screams old school, labour-of-love quality development. Taxman is a genius; thank God that SEGA is in dire enough straits to give him a shot.

Now, if I can only get System Shock 3 by Christmas (which I doubt but dare to dream) then 2017 will clench the title of best gaming year of the 2010s for me.
I am itching to buy it now, but plan on getting a Nintendo Switch near the holiday season (hoping for some deals and maybe a new color scheme for the joy-cons). This way I have a good amount of games for it (Zelda, Mario, etc).

My question is: is it a long game and is there a lot to explore? I feel like its a game you could beat in several hours and then be done with it.
I am itching to buy it now, but plan on getting a Nintendo Switch near the holiday season (hoping for some deals and maybe a new color scheme for the joy-cons). This way I have a good amount of games for it (Zelda, Mario, etc).

My question is: is it a long game and is there a lot to explore? I feel like its a game you could beat in several hours and then be done with it.

I think you could blitz through the levels and have it done in a fairly short amount of time.

But it keeps surprising me with how many levels there are. I feel like I'm nearing the end and another one starts.

Regardless of how short it is (or how long you make it), if you're a Sonic fan then this game is an absolute must buy. I've basically grinned from ear to ear the whole time I've played it. As far as fan service goes, it is absolutely incredible. The nods to previous games, the way they've changed classic levels, bosses, brought things back from older games and built on them etc - it's everything and more for a Sonic fan - or for those who played and liked the originals.

I started my play through with Sonic, but next time I'l go through as 'Tails alone' so I can hopefully find more special stage rings as they've been hard to come by with just Sonic. Although I haven't really explored in this initial play through so have without doubt missed a load of them.

The upgraded music warrants the play through alone IMO!
It has surpassed my hopes by far this one. Incredible job by all of those involved. Up there as one of my fave games of the year.
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Reactions: Eggtastic
Bought it for PS4 and I have adored this game. Everything about it screams old school, labour-of-love quality development. Taxman is a genius; thank God that SEGA is in dire enough straits to give him a shot.

Now, if I can only get System Shock 3 by Christmas (which I doubt but dare to dream) then 2017 will clench the title of best gaming year of the 2010s for me.
Ss 3 out?
I am itching to buy it now, but plan on getting a Nintendo Switch near the holiday season (hoping for some deals and maybe a new color scheme for the joy-cons). This way I have a good amount of games for it (Zelda, Mario, etc).

My question is: is it a long game and is there a lot to explore? I feel like its a game you could beat in several hours and then be done with it.
I reached the final level just a day after buying the game but took me a few more days to get all the chaos emeralds and just over half of the “token” stages (I have no idea what those grey medal things are called in game). And yet I keep replaying levels over and over. I even think it’s better the second time araround because now I’m not wondering, and therefore dreading, what level might come next. Instead the enjoyment is finding new paths and secrets in levels you thought you knew inside out.

All the levels are great. Even ones that I didn’t like in previous games have all their negative qualities reduced, for example, I think there’s one spot on a ‘sky’ stage where you can fall into a bottomless pit.

This game really is incredible. I’ve massively enjoyed Mario games but I haven’t been so into them that I’ve replayed any. Sonic on the other hand I can play repeatedly. I really hope Nintendo take note and make a pure 2D Mario game at some point with as much love as Sonic Mania.
I wanted to buy Sonic Mania on day one, then I realized it's a digital only release. OK fine I'll buy the Steam version I thought, and realized Sega delayed the PC version by two weeks, seems they wanna nudge people into buying the console release. I don't like being nudged, not buying now :rolleyes::p
100%ed it last night! And yet I keep playing. This game is such a masterpiece.

The unlocks are great! The final two unlocks are a bit MEH but there’s a really bloody good one too. I hope they keep it retro and don’t add DLC to this but that the same team develop a follow up.
I wanted to buy Sonic Mania on day one, then I realized it's a digital only release. OK fine I'll buy the Steam version I thought, and realized Sega delayed the PC version by two weeks, seems they wanna nudge people into buying the console release. I don't like being nudged, not buying now :rolleyes::p
You must get it, it’s a masterpiece!
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Had a question for you guys (might seem really silly). I played Sonic 1 & 2 back in the day, and now Sonic Mania.

I noticed in Sonic Mania, that when Sonic takes a hit and the rings go flying all over, they 'stretch'.... i don't remember them stretching in the original 2, is that something that was in Sonic3 and/or Knuckles? Or is it something new in Mania?

100%ed it last night! And yet I keep playing. This game is such a masterpiece.

The unlocks are great! The final two unlocks are a bit MEH but there’s a really bloody good one too. I hope they keep it retro and don’t add DLC to this but that the same team develop a follow up.
You must get it, it’s a masterpiece!
Yeah I will, was just talking trash in protest of Sega delaying the Steam version.

I actually would love to have this on my Switch to play in portable mode, but playing this type of 2D platformer I highly prefer a D-pad. Nintendo needs to release a left JoyCon with a proper D-pad! I did not buy Street Fighter 2 strictly because of the lack of a D-pad in portable mode, and yes I have the pro controller but the Switch isn't exactly portable with it lol.
Yeah I will, was just talking trash in protest of Sega delaying the Steam version.

I actually would love to have this on my Switch to play in portable mode, but playing this type of 2D platformer I highly prefer a D-pad. Nintendo needs to release a left JoyCon with a proper D-pad! I did not buy Street Fighter 2 strictly because of the lack of a D-pad in portable mode, and yes I have the pro controller but the Switch isn't exactly portable with it lol.
I love 2D games and was gutted about the Switch’s dpad at first too... buuuuut having 100%ed Sonic exclusively with the standard Joycon it’s totally playable and I eventually forgot about its segmented design. Granted I’ve skipped out on SF2 because of the dpad (I imagine rolling it would hurt over time) but it’s a-OK for Sonic. I haven’t tried multiplayer or using a single Joycon on its side - I bet that is uncomfortable too.

I find it mega useful for the bonus stages though. The segmented design really comes in handy there!
I saw someone mention Sonic Mania at YouTube and decided to check out a review late last night. Wow wow wow! Sonic 2D throwback!

Sonic 1 & 2 are actually on my Androids right now. Had them also in a Sega Genesis Compilation on my PSP. Sonic 2 is easier than 1 and ranks in my Top 10 favorite games ever.

I remember pre-ordering it for Sonic 2sday as an 11-year old turning 12 in a month and getting it on that day. I believe Sonic 2 was my first pre-order of anything.

Sonic was really at his best in 2D form. I enjoyed Sonic Adventure 1 & 2 on Dreamcast but 3D camera angles just messes up the sheer speed. Since it also appears on the Switch, just another good reason to pick that up...

I'm all about digital downloads only. I got about 34 games on my PS Vita spending about $500+ on games including the expensive memory card (64GB/$130+). Vita is already my favorite handheld ever.

Thank goodness Switch uses microSD. I can easily pick up a Samsung 128GB for $41 at Fry's.
It may well be that Sonic Mania entries are all you're going to be seeing from SEGA for quite sometime. Polygon has already drawn first blood on Sonic Forces. I expect similar middling-to-bad reviews from the other major sites. It all comes down to sales now.

I heard one needs to keep in mind that Mania is only a $40 title. Maybe it should be just a $30 download only (and not have spent the dev money on making a cart)...
I heard one needs to keep in mind that Mania is only a $40 title. Maybe it should be just a $30 download only (and not have spent the dev money on making a cart)...

Why make a mainline Sonic title if you intend it to be a middling-at-best budget title? Sonic '06, whilst being an awful, buggy mess, at least was ambitious.
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