Hi! I just wanted to announce that Sound Siphon, our audio capture product, has been updated to work on Yosemite.
Sound Siphon lets you create virtual audio input devices that capture application audio. For example you could create an input device that capture Safari's audio. This input device shows up just like any other microphone in all of your apps.
- Now works on Yosemite.
- Added simple on/off switch to main UI.
- Changing the play through device in preferences works more reliably.
- Fixed a bug that would result in hearing no audio on a clean install.
Sound Siphon 2 is now in beta testing. There are a limited number of openings available for beta testers. You can find the Sound Siphon 2 beta at macdeveloper.net
Sound Siphon 2 adds the long awaited ability to capture microphones and other audio input devices with application audio.
Send iTunes + Microphone audio to Skype so the recipient can listen to music with you.
Record Facetime + your microphone in Garage Band to record your conversation (or phone call), even putting your voice and the other side in separate tracks.
Mix multiple microphones together so you can stream them both simultaneously.
Sound Siphon 2 also includes other bug fixes and enhancements.
If all goes according to plan Sound Siphon 2 will be available for everyone by the end of March. It will be a free update for current owners of Sound Siphon.