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El Hikaru

macrumors regular
Dec 3, 2013
Business Style

Apple used to be called an advertisement company happens to produce computers
Nowaday, Samsung is a legal firm carefully designs mock product intending to sue the original products.


macrumors 68030
Jan 26, 2003
Oh, those dastardly South Korean judges and their blatant pro-Apple bias!


Will be curious to see how the He-Man Apple Hater Club spins this one.


macrumors 603
Jul 27, 2009
Premià de Mar
When Eric Schmidt was on Apple's board pre-iPhone and completely changed Google's course on Android from "Blackberry clone" to "iPhone clone".

One of the most dirty moves Google has ever made.

Can you explain why Schmidt was needed to do that?

is people really believing this nonsense?

If Jobs or Apple believed that Schmidt did anything like that, they would have sued him for industrial theft. They never ever said anything about Schmidt.

please, stop with that crap, Schmidt didn't stole anything, because there was no need to steal anything. and if you think apple/Google board members can steal source code, you're very naive

I think it was what Steve Jobs said about Google when he was angry. "ssspinball" nailed it.

Steve Jobs only said anything about Android in 2010, almost two years after the release and almost a year after Schmidt left Apple boards.

And he was angry about the multi touch thing, thing that was not really patented by them


macrumors 68040
Sep 6, 2007
Maybe the South Koreans are tired of these lawsuits as well and just want to see the companies keep manufacturing cool products while 'borrowing' ideas from each other and expanding on those ideas.

I hope not… as a developer I like to make money and if we come up with something truly unique I want it protected so I can make more money from our innovations.

That said, I hate patent trolls and I do think some of the patents are very weak from many companies and there does need to be reform for patents… but, I don't see any harm in companies being able to protect their inventions… this idea of a technology free-for-all will hurt us all in the long run. Patents aren't meant to stop innovation, it's just to make sure inventors get paid for what they did.


macrumors 68000
Apr 27, 2010
Provo, UT
I remember when this all started all the posts about "Koreans are all X" and "everyone in Korea does Y."

I hope this helps people get past the ethnocentrism and stereotyping of people, because this story is an instance showing that there are judges in Korea that follow the law just like there are everywhere else. Painting a country with a broad brush is very naive.

Like there aren't any corrupt judges in the US.


I hope not… as a developer I like to make money and if we come up with something truly unique I want it protected so I can make more money from our innovations.

That said, I hate patent trolls and I do think some of the patents are very weak from many companies and there does need to be reform for patents… but, I don't see any harm in companies being able to protect their inventions… this idea of a technology free-for-all will hurt us all in the long run. Patents aren't meant to stop innovation, it's just to make sure inventors get paid for what they did.

The thing is, programmers aren't inventors, they're more akin to authors, telling a computer what to do using a set of well defined actions. That's not to say what you do is easy or simple. It takes a ton of talent and skill to do, and the programs you write do deserve protection...which you already get via copyright and trademarks.

But being able to patent code is being able to patent concepts and functions. And being able to patent concepts and functions rather than implementation means only one company is allowed to play with these concepts and functions for a certain amount of time without paying a huge fee for the right. That would kill innovation. No one would be able to use your idea, sure. But they also wouldn't be able to improve upon or branch off from it to create bigger, better things, either. Progress would come to a screeching halt.


macrumors 603
Jul 27, 2009
Premià de Mar
I hope not… as a developer I like to make money and if we come up with something truly unique I want it protected so I can make more money from our innovations.

I'm also a developer and I think that software patents are bad, let copyright protect implementations


macrumors 6502a
Jun 8, 2003
you wish
Can you explain why Schmidt was needed to do that?

is people really believing this nonsense?

If Jobs or Apple believed that Schmidt did anything like that, they would have sued him for industrial theft. They never ever said anything about Schmidt.

please, stop with that crap, Schmidt didn't stole anything, because there was no need to steal anything. and if you think apple/Google board members can steal source code, you're very naive

Steve Jobs only said anything about Android in 2010, almost two years after the release and almost a year after Schmidt left Apple boards.

And he was angry about the multi touch thing, thing that was not really patented by them

there's a reason why schmidt later was excused when the board discussed iphone. and a reason he was dismissed altogether.


Oct 21, 2008
Time, because it rules EVERYTHING!
Good to see Samsung being shot down with incorrect patent cases, just need Apple to have the same a few times. But yeah I'm sure those money figures are wrong, 30 grand is pocket change to these corporations.

You need to have a vlid case Samsung for it to stick, even in your own country. Saying this the S5 looks great with it's curved edge screen, it the rumours are true that is.


Mar 21, 2011
share and share alike i always say :)

Apple and Samsung must really like each other to go back and fourth winning and loosing..

So,, are any Apple phone left to ban ? what about the 3Gs, I'm sure Apple violated some patent on that somewhere.......

why not just ban all Apple phones, and forget the costly lawsuits..... Its only south korea...

They can buy Android phones..... They're just as good aren't they ?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 21, 2011
Considering how patriotic South Koreans are (almost all Samsung and LG electronics and Hyundai and Kia cars) I think this verdict speaks volumes....


macrumors 6502
Aug 6, 2008
I think some people like the idea of the conspiracy, that Schmidt used his position to steal the iPhone, more than the rather bland reality.

It's been pretty well discussed and rather obvious but go ahead and keep that head buried in the sand.


It's been pretty well discussed and rather obvious but go ahead and keep that head buried in the sand.

The only evidence that Schmidt used his position to steal IP comes exclusively from a bunch of talking heads on Apple messageboards spreading rumors rather than anything solid that directly points to him abusing his position.

Steve Jobs knew Schmidt was working on a smartphone platform while he was on the board, and Schmidt even excused himself from meetings involving the iPhone. If he did steal any Apple IP, why did it take Google nearly 2 years to come up with a competing product, and why hasn't Apple sued the hell out of them for corporate espionage and abusing their position to gather trade secrets?

The rumors don't match reality.


macrumors 604
Aug 5, 2010
The only evidence that Schmidt used his position to steal IP comes exclusively from a bunch of talking heads on Apple messageboards spreading rumors rather than anything solid that directly points to him abusing his position.

Steve Jobs knew Schmidt was working on a smartphone platform while he was on the board, and Schmidt even excused himself from meetings involving the iPhone. If he did steal any Apple IP, why did it take Google nearly 2 years to come up with a competing product, and why hasn't Apple sued the hell out of them for corporate espionage and abusing their position to gather trade secrets?

The rumors don't match reality.

If they didn't require real evidence to believe it the first time, how do you convince them otherwise? I find it difficult to argue with dogma.
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