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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Boing Boing reports that an official South Park application, demoed and submitted to Apple in October, has been rejected for inclusion in the App Store. According to an e-mail received by Boing Boing from a member of the South Park team, the application was deemed by Apple to be "potentially offensive".
"We first announced our iPhone App back in October, after we submitted the Application to Apple for approval. After a couple of attempts to get the application approved, we are sad to say that our app has been rejected. According to Apple, the content was 'potentially offensive.' But Apple did admit that the standards would evolve, citing that when iTunes first launched it didn't sell any music with explicit lyrics. At this point, we are sad to say, the app is dead in the water. Sorry, South Park fans."
The source did not mention whether Apple objected to the entire application or to certain specific features of it, which were previously described in Boing Boing's October preview:
The app functioned beautifully, with the ability to stream clips, grab wallpapers for your device, read news, and browse the complete episode index. Also: choose character likenesses as "contact images" for your iPhone -- assign a face to the phone book entry of your choice.
While Apple has apparently left the door open to future shifts in its policies, the South Park team seems to have ceased its efforts to work towards App Store acceptance in the current environment.

Article Link: 'South Park' Application Rejected From App Store


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2007
Oh noes! What will fans of mindless juvenile crud do now?!


They should do a PRE or Android version. That'll teach apple....


macrumors 68020
Jul 24, 2007
This is a stupid move by Apple. Like Apple even stated, you can buy a damn song on iTunes that is practically all curse words, but then they reject an app based on it being offensive? I thought that was the reason for warnings. "Warning material contained in this app may be offensive and may not be appropriate for all ages." Let US decide what is offensive, don't make that decision for us.

Just for the record, I could care less about this app since I am not a big South Park fan. I just think the reasoning here is plain stupid.


macrumors 65816
May 28, 2007
Northern NJ
Dear Apple,

We would like to be the ones that determine if an app is 'potentially offensive'. Thanks for not listening.

All of your customers


macrumors regular
Jul 13, 2003
Put this on the front page!

this is the kind of crap that needs to be out front and center.... seriously, wtf? put this on the front page, and digg it

im so tired of this arbitrary ******** from apple... this needs to be publicized to make apple look bad


macrumors 603
Jul 5, 2004
Movies, TV shows, music and games are rated, but there doesn't seem to be a rating/age/content system for the App Store (unless I missed it or not used in the Canadian iTunes Store).

Yes, adults should be the ones deciding if they want something or not. However, think about the parents who want to lock their kids accounts to kid-friendly content only.


macrumors 65816
May 28, 2007
Northern NJ
Oh noes! What will fans of mindless juvenile crud do now?!

I'm guessing you really haven't watched South Park in the past couple of years. In the very beginning yes, it was much more juvenile. To this day there are still several gags per episode that many would label as juvenile. But mindless? Hardly. The most recent seasons of the show have contained episodes that poke fun at all sorts of social issues, religion, politics, terrorism... and all of which were done in a very creative and clever manner.

Don't let any bias you may have towards South Park lighten the fact that Apple is rejecting app submissions based upon it's own "standards and practices". We the customers should be the ones that ultimately decide which app we choose to install on our devices.


macrumors G5
May 2, 2002
Movies, TV shows, music and games are rated, but there doesn't seem to be a rating/age/content system for the App Store (unless I missed it or not used in the Canadian iTunes Store).

Exactly. Games have ratings, and they're apps. Apple should just extend the rating system to ALL apps, and everyone's happy. Simple enough.

Buy a real phone, not the fascist iPhone platform.

Kind of a catch-22 there: choose another phone, and you won't have nearly as many apps to choose from (nor as cheaply and easily) and they generally won't work as well. More choice... but less choice! And the South Park app might not show up on that phone at all--hard to say until it happens.

Apple's been easing up on their app acceptance policies lately, learning and clarifying as they go. It hasn't even been a year yet, but I would bet that in time, we'll get our South Park app on iPhone. In that sense, getting an iPhone now is partly a bet on the future of the platform.


May 10, 2004
Kind of a catch-22 there: choose another phone, and you won't have nearly as many apps to choose from (nor as cheaply and easily) and they generally won't work as well. More choice... but less choice! And the South Park app might not show up on that phone at all--hard to say until it happens.

Apple's been easing up on their app acceptance policies lately, learning and clarifying as they go. It hasn't even been a year yet, but I would bet that in time, we'll get our South Park app on iPhone. In that sense, getting an iPhone now is partly a bet on the future of the platform.

There are a ton of Java apps. No need to support Apple's proprietary and closed platform.


macrumors member
Mar 16, 2006
Aliso Viejo, CA

This is ridiculous... i agree.. there is already "potentially offensive" material in iTunes.. explicit music lyrics... mature or adult content in movies and TV shows.. this is no different.

they need to figure out a a maturity ratings standard (and enforcement process) for these apps, or at least just provide a disclaimer on the "potentially" offensive content.. but the final decision should be from the consumer/buyer.

Wake up Apple!


macrumors 68000
Sep 15, 2004
Oh noes! What will fans of mindless juvenile crud do now?!


They should do a PRE or Android version. That'll teach apple....

South Park is irrelevant to this discussion and what you think of South Park is even more irrelevant to this discussion. I can guarantee you that I think many things you like are complete drivel not fit for human consumption. So please drop the "my opinion of entertainment is better than your opinion of entertainment" routine because it is a waste of time.

When Apple decides to censor the apps allowed in the store, it is bad for everyone, especially since there seems to be no clear cut rules on what is allowed and what is not. Farting Apps = OK, South Park Apps = Not OK?

Apple can't have it both ways. They can't say it is illegal to jailbreak your phone, and then censor the applications adults can put on their own phone. They have every right to sell what they want, but I should have every right to jailbreak the phone to install apps I want on it if that is going to be the case.

And the South Park developers are not trying to "teach Apple" anything. They were trying to make their fans happy and were trying to make some money (for themselves and for Apple). By making this decision everyone loses, even Apple, as I am sure this app would have sold well. I am sure if they see the opportunity to do those things on the PRE or Android, they will do so, even if they were on the iPhone already.

And lastly my band's album is on iTunes and I am sure it is quite offensive to many people, yet is was no problem to get it up there. They just label it as Explicit.


macrumors 68040
Apr 22, 2005
This is ridiculous... i agree.. there is already "potentially offensive" material in iTunes.. explicit music lyrics... mature or adult content in movies and TV shows.. this is no different.

Forget about explicit music, the South Park TV show itself is available in the iTunes Store, so it is pretty ironic that the South Park app would somehow be too offensive for Apple to sell.


macrumors 65816
Nov 24, 2008
Georgia, USA
Dear Apple,

We would like to be the ones that determine if an app is 'potentially offensive'. Thanks for not listening.

All of your customers

No, A South Park app would be awesome

Dear Apple,

Offensive is sometimes funny and will make you money. Just let it pass and start to have maturity ratings like other video games, music, and movies.


macrumors 65816
Sep 26, 2006
And the South Park developers are not trying to "teach Apple" anything. They were trying to make their fans happy and were trying to make some money (for themselves and for Apple). By making this decision everyone loses, even Apple, as I am sure this app would have sold well.

Actually, do we know if this app would have cost anything?
Most apps of these kind (tie-ins to movies, TV, bands, etc.) are free, and more of a promotional thing.

Forget about explicit music, the South Park TV show itself is available in the iTunes Store, so it is pretty ironic that the South Park app would somehow be too offensive for Apple to sell.

You beat me to it. It doesn't make much sense, does it?


macrumors 6502a
Nov 29, 2005
Red Sox Nation
Forget about explicit music, the South Park TV show itself is available in the iTunes Store, so it is pretty ironic that the South Park app would somehow be too offensive for Apple to sell.

ding ding ding. Why would they allow us to get the app/videos for free when they can sell the videos to us?

Also, if I remember correctly, the South Park folks were featured on Apple's startpage because they heavily utilize Macs in the creation of the show. It was one of those articles that they interview the people, describe the Macs/workflow used, etc. I think this is certain teams within Apple simply not talking or paying attention to what other teams are doing. There are a couple of precedents with South Park content and information being associated with Apple. For some reason, the app store team is missing that.

For those worried about parental concerns, tie M-rated applications into the parental controls already located on the phone (if it's not already).


macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2006

That is ridiculous. It's not offensive for 10pm Cable but it's too offensive for Apple?

Come on. Very STUPID move. Not to mention Apple has some serious thinking to do about what kinda censorship role it really wants to play. South Park has a huge following. They'll let in a cheap little flatulence app that does nothing but cheap frills but deny one of the smartest shows on TV?

I smell possible PR campaign here? They "deny" it, then 2 weeks later it shows up and sells tons cause it's "offensive".
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