Been quite a few changes in regards to the black-faced iPhone the last couple of years. Which do you prefer the most?
I think the Matte Black iPhone 7 looks the sleekest of them all, while Jet Black was unique enough to deserve to stay on. Both of these were marked as selling points in last years iPhone 7 so its really disappointing to see them take it away so soon. I get why JB isn't back because of the new material, but why not just carry over iPhone 7's Matte Black aluminium frame? So many people said they loved Matte Black last year, but ah well.
At least iPhone 8's Space Grey isn't the 6/6s Space Grey.
Which do you prefer the most?
I think the Matte Black iPhone 7 looks the sleekest of them all, while Jet Black was unique enough to deserve to stay on. Both of these were marked as selling points in last years iPhone 7 so its really disappointing to see them take it away so soon. I get why JB isn't back because of the new material, but why not just carry over iPhone 7's Matte Black aluminium frame? So many people said they loved Matte Black last year, but ah well.
At least iPhone 8's Space Grey isn't the 6/6s Space Grey.
Which do you prefer the most?