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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
I seem to be getting more and more of these, always in my @me account..gambling, video links etc. etc.

Anyone else noticed that their Apple based accounts are generating more spam lately?


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
My spam seems to come in waves, mostly quiet then a flurry of activity. Little to no porn AFAIK though.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
I don't don't get any spam in my account. But I also don't really use it for much either.

Its my main account so I do get a more activity in that, then my other email accounts, mostly because no one knows my other emails accounts. I have them for MacRumor notifications and things such as that.


macrumors 68000
Aug 10, 2008
Don't usually get many, but I have had about 5 in the last 24 hours

I know it's not legitimate because I don't use the email address (use the one)


macrumors 68030
Jun 10, 2010
I've gotten two in the past week on mine, but nothing since late last year outside of that. Forwarded them both along to and moved them to the junk folder.

Haven't had anything else pop up since then.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I don't don't get any spam in my account. But I also don't really use it for much either.

If you search recent threads then you will learn you seem to be an isolated case of the people who are reporting on this. In other words, I don't ever use my .mac address, I've had it for 10 years and I am getting flooded. I have to stop using it on my iOS devices for a period then I bring it back and the spam usually dies down for a few weeks.

Apple's spam filters appear not to exist. Even adding the mail to junk does nothing for future messages.


macrumors regular
Dec 5, 2005
It Just Started For Me

The iCloud junk mail started for me yesterday and I've received some more today. I never use my MobileMe/iCloud email account as I've been a happy Gmail user for years and years. What is going on at Apple with their spam filters?? Yikes!


macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago
Keep forwarding all the junk to

Good advice, It's embarrassing when this crap comes through....I do not visit porn sites, have no desire to purchase Viagra, gamble online or take part in any of the other nefarious activities advertised in these emails. Forwarding them on should in theory help. Maybe 10.8.4 has helped close some of the holes.


May 8, 2011
Los Angeles
iCloud email

I never used iCloud email address but now I get some spam email coming to my iCloud email. I hate it so much. I know iCloud will not allow email address change. :apple:


macrumors regular
Apr 24, 2012
I never used iCloud email address but now I get some spam email coming to my iCloud email. I hate it so much. I know iCloud will not allow email address change. :apple:

Same here. Don't use my iCloud email, yet within the past week, it has received 6 spam mails. WTH?


macrumors newbie
Apr 12, 2013
Okay, this is not meant as an attempt to hijack the thread, but simply as a way of throwing my hat into this same ring and ask for a specific bit of advice.

I'm 46 years old and would like to learn programming and have also wondered about my age etc.
Having looked into this subject a little the one thing which strikes me as a potential stumbling block is that I know ZERO maths.

I'm not wanting folks to tell me that maths isn't needed to learn programming, as it's pretty obvious that without a fairly solid grounding in maths one isn't going to progress very far.
Yet I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread?

However, finding out where to start in beginning to get to grips with maths has led me pretty much nowhere!

Any thoughts ....


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
Okay, this is not meant as an attempt to hijack the thread, but simply as a way of throwing my hat into this same ring and ask for a specific bit of advice.

I'm 46 years old and would like to learn programming and have also wondered about my age etc.
Having looked into this subject a little the one thing which strikes me as a potential stumbling block is that I know ZERO maths.

I'm not wanting folks to tell me that maths isn't needed to learn programming, as it's pretty obvious that without a fairly solid grounding in maths one isn't going to progress very far.
Yet I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread?

However, finding out where to start in beginning to get to grips with maths has led me pretty much nowhere!

Any thoughts ....

It depends on what you want to do, but you generally don't need to know math. Exceptions would be if you want to do things that are graphics or performance intensive, IE, games or simulators.

I was in the middle of taking Algebra I when I started to program. I was totally lost in Algebra I until I started programming. I attribute learning programming to having taught me Algebra.

I feel like we need to start teaching programming in late elementary school (around 4th grade... I think it'll really help kids learn Algebra and other maths later on.


macrumors 601
Sep 25, 2012
Slapfish, North Carolina
I seem to be getting more and more of these, always in my @me account..gambling, video links etc. etc.

Anyone else noticed that their Apple based accounts are generating more spam lately?

My Apple-related accounts (e.g., etc) generate zero spam. That's because I don't tell anyone about that email address. Apple is the only one that knows my email account exists. And for the most part, Apple respects it when I tell them I choose to "opt out" of iTunes and App Store promotions and sales events. The ONLY email I get from that account is whenever I buy something online from Apple (e.g. a paid download from the App Store), and so Apple sends me the receipts of the transaction.

The smart thing I did years ago was to create a secondary email address on Gmail, and THAT is the email address I tell my friends, enemies, relatives, my boss, The Devil, my ex-girlfriend, as well as the Starbucks barista that asks me "Hey dude, if you give us your email address we will send you a free promo code for your next free frappuccino, duuuude!"

My Gmail account is my crapmail depository. For the most part, I ignore it for weeks. And when I check it once a month, 99% of the mail waiting for me is already in the Spam folder ready to be deleted.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2012
I get tons and tons of Bacn email or whatever they are calling it these days. Not really any spam or porn anymore. Just hey newegg has a sale or amazon has a sale....


macrumors 6502
Feb 20, 2006
I agree with others that are stating their spam comes in waves. Per Apple's support docs, also placing it in the junk folder also sends it to and will get marked as such. I think we get MUCH more spam than we think - but Apple has pretty aggressive spam filters and much of it we never see.

Apple has gotten a lot of bad press lately for opaque spam filters. I would rather get all the spam, but if Apple's servers believe it's spam, throw it in junk and let me decide, much like Gmail.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
I agree with others that are stating their spam comes in waves. Per Apple's support docs, also placing it in the junk folder also sends it to and will get marked as such. I think we get MUCH more spam than we think - but Apple has pretty aggressive spam filters and much of it we never see.

Just to clarify, that is only if you are using the web interface at If you are using the OS X Mail client, you still need to fwd. to


Mar 15, 2008
The amount of spam email I've been receiving in my account, which I've had for years and years is getting ridiculous. I actually use the alias email address more and hardly ever the main login email but all of the spam goes to that main email account. I keep sending things to the junk folder hoping the spam filters will start catching them but it doesn't seem to be helping.
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