Would love someone to help me out on this if possible.
I can't get anywhere with my hosting company and wondered if someone here has any bright ideas? All I get from them is we can sell you 'domain privacy'. Like that would help?
For the last month, I have been getting a ridiculous amount of spam from one domain, but can't block the domain name...
The domain extension is xxx@xxx.faith
The xxx part always changes but the .faith is always there. I tried to go into my hosting server control panel to block all emails that contain .faith but it won't let me, only @.com or .co.uk types it would appear.
Also tried **@**.faith
I can't do anything about spam on iPhone, that never goes to junk, but usually these would have gone to junk folder on Mac, and none ever do, and they're the most obvious subject headers that would usually always go into Spam. You know the subjects I mean. It's ridiculous it bypasses everything.
Driving me mad!! Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
I can't get anywhere with my hosting company and wondered if someone here has any bright ideas? All I get from them is we can sell you 'domain privacy'. Like that would help?
For the last month, I have been getting a ridiculous amount of spam from one domain, but can't block the domain name...
The domain extension is xxx@xxx.faith
The xxx part always changes but the .faith is always there. I tried to go into my hosting server control panel to block all emails that contain .faith but it won't let me, only @.com or .co.uk types it would appear.
Also tried **@**.faith
I can't do anything about spam on iPhone, that never goes to junk, but usually these would have gone to junk folder on Mac, and none ever do, and they're the most obvious subject headers that would usually always go into Spam. You know the subjects I mean. It's ridiculous it bypasses everything.
Driving me mad!! Anyone have any ideas? Thanks