My Macbook Air now is getting slower and slower and i don't know that it's because of Mac OS X or Hardwae, so please help me with this. One more thing, i want my Mac can read and write on NTFS also, how can?
My Macbook Air now is getting slower and slower and i don't know that it's because of Mac OS X or Hardwae, so please help me with this. One more thing, i want my Mac can read and write on NTFS also, how can?
Boot to your recovery system (Restart, holding Command-R)
Run Disk Utility/FirstAid to check the drive and the directory.
You can also boot to the built-in diagnostics. (Restart again, holding the D key)
How full is your drive? That is, how much free space is left?
Which MBAir do you have? Which version of OS X are you using?
Do you have a current full back up of your drive? (if not, that should be your next step, unless you don't care about losing everything on the drive. )
Finally, how much RAM memory do you have?