I accidetally spilled some water from the bottle and immedatiely turned the laptop upside down but after a few seconds the screen went dark while the sound was still on. I then powered it off and placed it in front of my fan in sort of an upside down V shape where the keyboard is facing down. After 30 minutes I tried powering it on and it worked for about 3 minutes then the screen started flickering and turned off again.
I put it in front of the fan again upside down and will leave it till tomorrow morning. Do you think it is damaged beyond repair? I'd probably have to invest in a new laptop if it turns out to be a logic board replacement or something expensive like that.
I put it in front of the fan again upside down and will leave it till tomorrow morning. Do you think it is damaged beyond repair? I'd probably have to invest in a new laptop if it turns out to be a logic board replacement or something expensive like that.