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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 10, 2007
I am considering switching out from Verizon. I currently have an iphone 5s; it is starting to fail, and battery life not long at all.

My contract with Verizon ends in 8 days. I was thinking of switching; what they are offering, in terms of continuing, is excessively priced. I currently pay 64. a month for unlimited talk and text, 2GB data. It's not a lot of data I know. Verizon wants considerably more money to get into a new iPhone, which I will need to do soon regardless of who I choose.

I spoke with Sprint; they offered unlimited everything plus 10GB a month hot spot for 60. a month, but it is a pre owned iPhone 6s. I'm not so sure about pre owned. If I'm having issues with an iphone 5s after two years, it seems to me I might be best off with a new phone. They only offer 90 day warranty on the phone.

I don't need an iPhone 7 or 8; perfectly happy with an older phone, as long as it's reliable.

Please do feel free to share any thoughts on this. The other consideration is that reviews on Sprint coverage in Western Massachusetts where I live are not great, two to three stars. I could also consider AT&T; their coverage of this area is reportedly better. Thank you so much for any replies!
Sprint has the crazy deal right now.

if you switch to Sprint (as in, you're bringing a phone number from a different carrier), they'll give you free unlimited for 1 year..
you supply the phone.

a friend of mine did this and as far as i can tell, it's what-you-see-is-what-you-get.. it doesn't appear he's been suckered into anything other than what the offer states.
Thank you Mactagonist, that is exactly the info I need, before I plunge in. Aftermarket parts!? I was concerned enough if it was original Apple parts. If I go for it I think i will tell Sprint that I would need the better deal with the new iPhone 7. The other thing I plan to do is call Verizon and say, this is what they offered me, you're about to lose me, please try and match it. I'm happy with a 6s. I just have to move on from this 5s, not my choice.
If I go for it I think i will tell Sprint that I would need the better deal with the new iPhone 7.
buy brand new iphone7 for $550
use deal i posted earlier and get $720 worth of service at no charge ($60/month for 12 months)

it would be like paying $45/month for iphone7 with unlimited talk/text/data + 10Gb hotspot.. and ownership of the phone.

idk.. just ideas is all.
Aftermarket parts!? I was concerned enough if it was original Apple parts.
Sprint used phones are supplied by Assurion, the insurance/refurb company they work with.

Assurion has a infamous reputation for not using Apple OEM parts. In certain past cases this has surprised customers when they were denied in-warranty repairs by Apple.
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I am considering switching out from Verizon. I currently have an iphone 5s; it is starting to fail, and battery life not long at all.

My contract with Verizon ends in 8 days. I was thinking of switching; what they are offering, in terms of continuing, is excessively priced. I currently pay 64. a month for unlimited talk and text, 2GB data. It's not a lot of data I know. Verizon wants considerably more money to get into a new iPhone, which I will need to do soon regardless of who I choose.

I spoke with Sprint; they offered unlimited everything plus 10GB a month hot spot for 60. a month, but it is a pre owned iPhone 6s. I'm not so sure about pre owned. If I'm having issues with an iphone 5s after two years, it seems to me I might be best off with a new phone. They only offer 90 day warranty on the phone.

I don't need an iPhone 7 or 8; perfectly happy with an older phone, as long as it's reliable.

Please do feel free to share any thoughts on this. The other consideration is that reviews on Sprint coverage in Western Massachusetts where I live are not great, two to three stars. I could also consider AT&T; their coverage of this area is reportedly better. Thank you so much for any replies!

Honestly verizon has milked you for I don’t know how many years. $64 for 2gb data is a peanuts. Att was offering me $50 unlimited everything plus included $10 line for AW3. Be careful with these carriers.
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Honestly verizon has milked you for I don’t know how many years. $64 for 2gb data is a peanuts. Att was offering me $50 unlimited everything plus included $10 line for AW3. Be careful with these carriers.
Thank you guys sincerely for these excellent posts. I agree; I got on the loyalty program with Verizon so the monthly payment is okay, but still not great. 2GB is nothing! I feel an important feature going forward is ability to use as a mobile hot spot. I would switch to Sprint right now, but concerned about the coverage in Western Massachusetts. For towers / coverage, it could be that AT&T is my best bet if I move away from Verizon, as this gentleman suggested.
Thank you guys sincerely for these excellent posts. I agree; I got on the loyalty program with Verizon so the monthly payment is okay, but still not great. 2GB is nothing! I feel an important feature going forward is ability to use as a mobile hot spot. I would switch to Sprint right now, but concerned about the coverage in Western Massachusetts. For towers / coverage, it could be that AT&T is my best bet if I move away from Verizon, as this gentleman suggested.
Stay away from Sprint. This is coming from a current Sprint user on the 7 +. They are very inconsistent and you will just get so frustrated at times you want to throw the phone at a wall.

Dont go to Sprint, please. Its by far the worst carrier and I regret getting on in 2012. Im leaving once my contract is up.
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Thank you guys sincerely for these excellent posts. I agree; I got on the loyalty program with Verizon so the monthly payment is okay, but still not great. 2GB is nothing! I feel an important feature going forward is ability to use as a mobile hot spot. I would switch to Sprint right now, but concerned about the coverage in Western Massachusetts. For towers / coverage, it could be that AT&T is my best bet if I move away from Verizon, as this gentleman suggested.

I also live in Western Mass and was on Sprint at one time. The coverage is terrible so I switched to AT&T with no issues.
Stay away from Sprint. This is coming from a current Sprint user on the 7 +. They are very inconsistent and you will just get so frustrated at times you want to throw the phone at a wall.

Dont go to Sprint, please. Its by far the worst carrier and I regret getting on in 2012. Im leaving once my contract is up.
Duly noted. Thank you. ; ) Sorry it didn't work out for you.
I also live in Western Mass and was on Sprint at one time. The coverage is terrible so I switched to AT&T with no issues.
Awesome. So you are pleased with your deal... can you share some details on the price / data, etc? Thanks so much. Western Mass aye? It's cold today... ; )
Duly noted. Thank you. ; ) Sorry it didn't work out for you.
Awesome. So you are pleased with your deal... can you share some details on the price / data, etc? Thanks so much. Western Mass aye? It's cold today... ; )

I have the Mobile Share Advantage 6GB plan, 3 smartphones - one is on a payment plan/the other 2 are paid for, and I pay around $165/mo. One of my lines is on a (now extinct) 2 yr plan so my payment will drop $20 in Jan. This plan has rollover data and no charges for going over data limit...just reduced speeds, but we have yet to go over.

Yes it is a bit chilly today :)

BTW...I have a refurbished 6S Plus that I bought from Apple. I love, love, love it!!
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I love rollover data, and am highly interested in getting that myself. I don't like the way Verizon just wipes it clean, even if I've used only half my data.
I love rollover data, and am highly interested in getting that myself. I don't like the way Verizon just wipes it clean, even if I've used only half my data.

I had Verizon years ago and got tired of their crappy customer service. I bounced around for a bit before I switched to AT&T. They have always been fantastic to my mom so I didn't think twice when I was switching carriers.
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Thank you guys again for all the helpful info above.

I have Comcast internet; I got a letter from Xfinity Mobile. They offer unlimited data per month for 45. dollars on what they say is America's largest 4G LTE network. If in this case the phone could be a wifi hotspot, and give access to Xfinity networks, this might be a plus. But, i think you have to buy a phone. I wondered if you guys had any thoughts on this. Thank you in advance. I may just end up with AT&T anyway.
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Hey guys. I use Comcast internet; I got a letter from Xfinity Mobile. They offer unlimited data per month for 45. dollars on what they say is America's largest 4G LTE network. If in this case the phone could be a wifi hotspot, and give access to Xfinity networks, this might be a plus. But, i think you have to buy a phone. I wondered if you guys had any thoughts on this. Thank you in advance. I may just end up with AT&T anyway.

Xfinity Mobile has surprisingly good feedback, from what I know. Especially if you don't use a lot of data, they have good pricing.

FWIW, I've been on T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T in the past 18 months (as well as ~1 week on Virgin Mobile) and AT&T has the best coverage I've found (Chicago), followed closely by Verizon. T-Mobile was fine, but I didn't have service in my apartment without the 4G LTE CellSpot.
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I just called Xfiniity mobile. It is 45. per mo unlimited, with another 22. for new iphone 7. Also, i found out they are on Verizon network! That seems good to me, since I already have service wherever I go, and have found it reliable. I'm going to call AT&T today, see what they have, and make a decision in the next day or two. It seems to me likely good news that they're on the Verizon network.
Stay away from Sprint. Had them years ago, an absolute joke of a company with abysmal service.
Will do, thank you. I am likely going with Comcast. I can set it at the price per GB, and save even more money. IF I only use 2 or 3 GB, then the price is less than the unlimited... which is still a good price at 45. dollars. The price for the iphone 7 is fair per month. So, if I had any kind of stones I would have done it today. For some reason I always wait a day.

They're on the Vz network, so coverage should be fine.
I honestly have not met a single person with Sprint that says anything positive about them. I live in SoCal Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley area.
I honestly have not met a single person with Sprint that says anything positive about them. I live in SoCal Los Angeles/San Gabriel Valley area.

They are giving me a year of unlimited talk, text, and data for free :)

I also live in the L.A. SoCal area as well and haven't had a single issue with Sprint so far *knocks on wood*. Coverage has been good for me (always seem to have 1 - 2 bars of LTE) with no hiccups in service.

I'm not devoted though to any one carrier so when my 1-year promotion has finished I'll probably go with the next cheapest service. ATM would be MintSIM and their $15/mo plan for unlimited talk + text + 2gb data.
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