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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 10, 2010
Toronto, Canada
Mods, please delete or merge this Thread if you think that it is too similar to others existing threads..

...Now that the Watch is finally released around the world, a few new differences between the Sport and Watch models have been emerging. I think that the most notable are the materials used in both the charger and the box/case.

Disclaimer before everyone jumps on me: No, neither of these differences are important to a lot of people, but that does not mean everyone. These differences aren't huge to most, I know.

Anyway, my point is that if Apple had better promoted these differences ahead of the launch, do you think that you (Sport buyers)/people might have been more persuaded to spend extra on a SS Watch model? I know that I would certainly have been more tempted. My point is that a lot of buyers could not see much of a difference between these two models in order to justify the price increase, but all these little "extras" certainly add up.
It's a fashion device. Not to mention this is MORE expensive than a contracted iPhone. When you look at it...this was a ingenious idea.
Sport vs Watch Models -Should Apple have "upsold" better?

You get what you pay for. The sports watch is just a budget apple watch that is being glamified to make it sound more appealing. Of course it's down to personal taste and many prefer the look of the sport watch, but it never the less comes down to cost and that's the difference here.
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I was on the fence between the two models. I ended up going with the sport because the difference for the price seemed like a win. However, knowing what I do now, including the box and charger and general treatment of Apple of the sport as a true entry level product, I would have preordered the SS first. Currently I have a sport and an SS on preorder but both still in processing. I intend to use the sport first until the SS comes and then resell the sport.
I was on the fence between the two models. I ended up going with the sport because the difference for the price seemed like a win. However, knowing what I do now, including the box and charger and general treatment of Apple of the sport as a true entry level product, I would have preordered the SS first. Currently I have a sport and an SS on preorder but both still in processing. I intend to use the sport first until the SS comes and then resell the sport.

This is exactly how I feel too.

If anything, Apple sold the Watch model "short" a little.
I ordered the sport and when mine arrives today, the box its in is the least of my concern, and the charger is just that... a charger. So no worries on if its metal or plastic.

Personally I went with the Sport due to its a first gen product and I want to see if its a product Apple will refresh every year or not before buying the upper end model.
I will buy a metal charger for $30 if I somehow can't live with a plastic one

Nothing could have convinced me to spend more than the Sport version for the simple fact it is version 1. Next year or the year after I will drop more money on it, but without even trying it it is hard to justify.
Also, I think the sport box is cooler. I have a lot of box cases, and the one for the regular watch is no prize. It is nice to see Apple reimagine the watch box for the sport instead of a knockoff cardboard version of a nice watch box.
Mods, please delete or merge this Thread if you think that it is too similar to others existing threads..

...Now that the Watch is finally released around the world, a few new differences between the Sport and Watch models have been emerging. I think that the most notable are the materials used in both the charger and the box/case.

Disclaimer before everyone jumps on me: No, neither of these differences are important to a lot of people, but that does not mean everyone. These differences aren't huge to most, I know.

Anyway, my point is that if Apple had better promoted these differences ahead of the launch, do you think that you (Sport buyers)/people might have been more persuaded to spend extra on a SS Watch model? I know that I would certainly have been more tempted. My point is that a lot of buyers could not see much of a difference between these two models in order to justify the price increase, but all these little "extras" certainly add up.

No. Already some are uncomfortable because the Sport watch doesn't have the same charger and packaging as the SS watch. I can only imagine the comments if Apple really did an upsell. Though part of me doesn't completely understand why some think this is out of character. The 6 Plus is superior to the 6 and the iPad Air 2 is superior to the mini 3. And actually this isn't the first time Apple has done different packaging. The 5C came in a different box than the 5S.
Sport vs Watch Models -Should Apple have "upsold" better?

I will buy a metal charger for $30 if I somehow can't live with a plastic one

Nothing could have convinced me to spend more than the Sport version for the simple fact it is version 1. Next year or the year after I will drop more money on it, but without even trying it it is hard to justify.

You spend within your means. An extra £100 isn't that much for a lot of people. I personally bought the SS variant and will still be upgrading to V2, I can see the SS versions having better resale value too.
No. Already some are uncomfortable because the Sport watch doesn't have the same charger and packaging as the SS watch. I can only imagine the comments if Apple really did an upsell. Though part of me doesn't completely understand why some think this is out of character. The 6 Plus is superior to the 6 and the iPad Air 2 is superior to the mini 3. And actually this isn't the first time Apple has done different packaging. The 5C came in a different box than the 5S.

This is all in my head but I saw the Watch Sport as the iPhone 5 and the SS Watch as the iPhone 5S. If I had seen the Watch as the iPhone 5 and the Sport as the 5C, I'd have gotten the SS Watch from the jump. Mentally screwed up but there you go.
Promoting packaging sends the wrong message, imo.

This is what Jony Ive said about the packaging:
“We didn’t want the packaging to be a sort of shorthand for value, where the box needs to be big and we have to include expensive materials. We’ve always liked the idea that if we are heavy in our thinking, we can be much lighter in the implementation. So there’s huge virtue, I think, in keeping the packaging small: at least, it is the right choice environmentally, it’s easier to move things around and you don’t end up with your wardrobes full of large watch boxes that you don’t use.”

With Tim Cook's big focus on the environment and hiring Lisa Jackson I'll bet she's involved in or signs off on packaging.
You spend within your means. An extra £100 isn't that much for a lot of people. I personally bought the SS variant and will still be upgrading to V2, I can see the SS versions having better resale value too.

That isn't my point. I am currently wearing a $2,000 watch. I spent that much on my watch because I know it will last and I like it. The difference in the Sport vs the Regular isn't enough to sway me to buy the other.

I also don't like to resell my old tech, so resale isn't big for me.
This is all in my head but I saw the Watch Sport as the iPhone 5 and the SS Watch as the iPhone 5S. If I had seen the Watch as the iPhone 5 and the Sport as the 5C, I'd have gotten the SS Watch from the jump. Mentally screwed up but there you go.

I never did because they're different materials. In fact Mark Gurman from 9to5Mac said he thought Apple should sell the Sport watch like they sell iPods and have them in stores like Best Buy, Walmart etc. Maybe eventually Apple will go that route and the Sport watch will become their "budget" wearable device with the SS model being the flagship like the flagship iPhone.
I never did because they're different materials. In fact Mark Gurman from 9to5Mac said he thought Apple should sell the Sport watch like they sell iPods and have them in stores like Best Buy, Walmart etc. Maybe eventually Apple will go that route and the Sport watch will become their "budget" wearable device with the SS model being the flagship like the flagship iPhone.

To be more precise, I saw them like the iPhone 6 and the 6+. I don't see the 6+ as a superior product, I just see it as a different preference. (And I love my 6+!!) if the 6 had come with a crappier box/charger, I think there would have been a lot of disappointed folks. (Now I definitely see the watches as 5 vs 5C, unfortunately)
I think my charger is going to live on my bedside table so the watch can be charged at night. Since it will be sitting out having it look better has some importance. So yes I think that was something to factor into the purchasing decision.

The very nice box doesn't make much difference to me.

I ordered the SS with black sport band. So apparently I have a month or more to change my mind. But I'm definitely sticking with SS. The only thing that recently made me question is that I've realized there will be golf apps with range finders available (using GPS, you just glance down at wrist to see distance to center of green). That will make me want to wear the watch golfing and the Sport will be lighter.
To be more precise, I saw them like the iPhone 6 and the 6+. I don't see the 6+ as a superior product, I just see it as a different preference. (And I love my 6+!!) if the 6 had come with a crappier box/charger, I think there would have been a lot of disappointed folks. (Now I definitely see the watches as 5 vs 5C, unfortunately)

But the 6 and 6 Plus are the exact same material. Not the same with the Watch. That's why I always felt it was similar to the 5S/5C. And with the better camera I would argue the 6 Plus is the superior device. But for me size was most important so I went for the 6.


I think my charger is going to live on my bedside table so the watch can be charged at night. Since it will be sitting out having it look better has some importance. So yes I think that was something to factor into the purchasing decision.

The very nice box doesn't make much difference to me.

I ordered the SS with black sport band. So apparently I have a month or more to change my mind. But I'm definitely sticking with SS. The only thing that recently made me question is that I've realized there will be golf apps with range finders available (using GPS, you just glance down at wrist to see distance to center of green). That will make me want to wear the watch golfing and the Sport will be lighter.

Regarding the box, something I hadn't thought of but iFixit pointed out: perhaps the sport box is different because all the bands can easily lay flat which isn't the case with some of the SS bands.
It's probably more about getting the sale. Apple makes the Sport seem worth it in every way so that those who can't afford(or don't want) the Watch still will spend their money. I do think they could have marketed more toward the Watch and made it appeal more vs the Sport but than maybe more people would have just ordered nothing at all. The Sport is a beautiful watch either way. I just think you get what you pay for.
I think more people would have considered the SS if the black one was sold with a cheaper band.
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