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...Now that the Watch is finally released around the world, a few new differences between the Sport and Watch models have been emerging. I think that the most notable are the materials used in both the charger and the box/case.
Disclaimer before everyone jumps on me: No, neither of these differences are important to a lot of people, but that does not mean everyone. These differences aren't huge to most, I know.
Anyway, my point is that if Apple had better promoted these differences ahead of the launch, do you think that you (Sport buyers)/people might have been more persuaded to spend extra on a SS Watch model? I know that I would certainly have been more tempted. My point is that a lot of buyers could not see much of a difference between these two models in order to justify the price increase, but all these little "extras" certainly add up.
...Now that the Watch is finally released around the world, a few new differences between the Sport and Watch models have been emerging. I think that the most notable are the materials used in both the charger and the box/case.
Disclaimer before everyone jumps on me: No, neither of these differences are important to a lot of people, but that does not mean everyone. These differences aren't huge to most, I know.
Anyway, my point is that if Apple had better promoted these differences ahead of the launch, do you think that you (Sport buyers)/people might have been more persuaded to spend extra on a SS Watch model? I know that I would certainly have been more tempted. My point is that a lot of buyers could not see much of a difference between these two models in order to justify the price increase, but all these little "extras" certainly add up.