Any news from Sprint? They seem to be dragging a bit.
I'm upgrading to a Black 7 128gb on iPhone Forever. Will be my first time so also curious to hear how the process goes. Currently have a 6s and paying $15/month for the hardware lease. It annoys me that Sprint's website doesn't have monthly lease amounts for each model/storage tier.
I'm assuming I go to Sprint's website at 3:01am EST and place my order, no hassle.
Edit: I have not made at least 12 monthly
payments on my 6s yet, but Sprint's website says I am eligible for an upgrade. Anyone else seeing this?
Im pretty sure it has to be through sprint's site with that planCan we select the iPhone forever plan within the apple store app? Because i was trying to use apple pay.
Can we select the iPhone forever plan within the apple store app? Because i was trying to use apple pay.
According to Sprint the iPhone Forever program has been discontinued. Current members are fine but it's not possible to sign up for anymore.
I just called Sprint and they are basically saying that it's now the same as the leases. You take out the lease and after 12 months you can upgrade. However, your payment is higher b/c it's now spread out among 17 or 18 months instead of 22 or so that the old plans had...I find that hard to believe, but since this is Sprint we're talking about here, I'm not doubting it. Crazy.