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How did you fry the SSD? It's an important question because you may just do it again with the replacement.
I don't believe there are any 3rd party sources for the 2013 MBA SSD. I think you either need to get one from Apple or one that a user has removed from their own computer. The companies have been promising 3rd party replacements ever since 2013 but AFAIK it still hasn't happened.
I think OWC (MacSales) has some sort of replacement SSD. I don't know any specifics about them though. I hear you can find genuine service center replacement drives on the grey market via ebay, but obviously you have to be pretty careful about that.
^^^^I don't see a cryptic point. Boyd01 was just being specific. Both OWC and Transcend make replacement SSDs for MBAs and other MBs, but only for those made up to 2012. Later models have a different faster interface. There is not an aftermarket solution yet for later model MBAs. As of now, the only solution for the OP, is a grey market unit or a pull from a current model MBA. And yes, those are available, usually on eBay.

^^^^And just what might your problem be????????
Seriously, what do you think just happened here? Because AFAIK, I was just trying to help someone out, I kindly acknowledged the help of another, then you stepped in with a weird off-base comment that appeared directed at me.
so i am assuming that you have some reason don't have applecare to take care of this, heh
did you check your mac serial # for any secret warranties?? wasn't it like 2011 mac book airs that had some kind of extended warranty on their modules? maybe yours is eligible, because its a 2013

if this post helps ill give u my paypal so u can send thanks heh

deny everything show them that page at the genius bar and beg for a replacement
and good luck

that page says it covers mac book air till 2013 and your mac book air says june 2013,
so i think you should keep quiet and ask nicely they give you a new drive
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^^^^That replacement program only covers the 2012 MBA that was sold until the release of the 2013 MBA in June of 2013. It gives detailed instructions to see if the SSD is affected. There is a firmware Update, that I applied (I have a 2012 MBA) - but this no longer applies to me since I have replaced my SSD with a Transcend unit. The OPs MBA, is not covered by this Replacement Program.

^^^^That replacement program only covers the 2012 MBA that was sold until the release of the 2013 MBA in June of 2013. It gives detailed instructions to see if the SSD is affected. There is a firmware Update, that I applied (I have a 2012 MBA) - but this no longer applies to me since I have replaced my SSD with a Transcend unit. The OPs MBA, is not covered by this Replacement Program.



its speculation but i think the deal was it was a samsung vs toshiba deal. and i had a 2011 or something mac book air, that had the same ssd as the recalled unit, but apple said i wasn't covered for a ssd replacement either, but mine didn't fail

back then the thoshibas weren't very fast on writing, so people were literally returning MBAs hoping to get the luck of the draw and get the better Samsung part.
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