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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 3, 2007

Is it possible to display screen while some data is loading?

When I press "Log In" button data load synchronously. And need to display screen with indicator like: "Please wait..."
I saw it in iphone when check my bill.

Is some standard to technique to implement it?

Thank you.


Moderator emeritus
Jul 24, 2002
The standard way of doing it is to not load the data synchronously. Use the asynchronous methods of NSURLConnection to load the data. When you start the async load display whatever view you want and then get rid of it when the data loads.

If you do it synchronously the main thread blocks until this completes stopping you from changing the view/animating anything. Of course you could use the synchronous method in a separate thread, but it's probably easier to just use the async ones.
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