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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 12, 2008
Has anyone else had a similar problem to this? My February achievement goal was to pass 1,300 exercise minutes, which I did. As soon as the date turned to March, instead of being awarded the medal it simply disappeared.

If something similar has happened to anyone else, does this end up appearing? I know it seems silly to complain about it but I nearly killed myself with 2 days to go to make sure I hit the minutes - all seemingly for nothing!


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2012
I missed out on my October badge by completing it too late on the month. It awarded me the November one late in the month and I’m not sure whether I’d quite done it but the badge now says o got it on 1 November which is definitely wrong so I think it’s really my October badge.

These challenges are very buggy.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 12, 2008
I missed out on my October badge by completing it too late on the month. It awarded me the November one late in the month and I’m not sure whether I’d quite done it but the badge now says o got it on 1 November which is definitely wrong so I think it’s really my October badge.

These challenges are very buggy.

That's true. Another weird one for me was being awarded the New Year Challenge medal in December (The challenge was for closing the Move Ring on 10 consecutive days in January - I got the medal before January had even started!)

I wonder why they can't get them right? It can't be that hard - can it? (I'm not a developer or anything so maybe it is hard, I don't know)


macrumors 68030
Mar 6, 2008
I didn’t get the Thanksgiving badge until mid December.

It seems to get worse when there’s an update for the watch.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 25, 2012
I also got the New Year challenge in December. I’m in the UK though so no Thanksgiving challenge for me.


Jul 18, 2013
This happens all the time to people. I didn't get offered the Women's day challenge yesterday. it just never appeared for me.


macrumors member
Nov 10, 2017
Has anyone else had a similar problem to this?

These challenges are full of bugs, and they are starting to impact on the normal daily challenges as well. Case in point - yesterday I was awarded the Perfect Week (Move, Exercise, Stand) and All Activity badges but when my Weekly Summary came through today, it tells me I only met my Move goal for 6 of 7 days, apparently falling 14 Calories short on one day this week.

So of course, now my monthly badge will be gone for March because Apple can't do some simple calculations. I reckon this is the fifth badge that I've missed since these Challenges started, even though I've met all of them!
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